Monday, January 14, 2008

Christmas and Cousins

I downloaded the pictures of Christmas off my Camera today. No pictures of Brenda's kids -- they stayed at my house 1 week. No pictures of Jackson and his little fan club, Wes, Braxton, Carson, Preston and Tyson. No pictures of Carter and Dexter playing so cute together. Although since that only happened the last hour of the last day together I really can't be 100% to blame. No pictures of playing with the parachute, or sledding, or eating, or (put any noun or verb here)_____________. You get the picture, I was a horrible camera man this Christmas. Forgive me and lets' turn over a new leaf. I will now briefly explain the pictures I posted--by the way Brenda weren't you going to "school" me on blogland stuff during Christmas?? Cause not to brag or anything but Brenda is way good with her hands......a story for another day. Pictures of my kids Christmas morning, Jax got a mountain bike and air soft rifle, Sammi got an IPOD nano and we all love the face Michael is making in that shot, Sierra got a rock guitar (she's jammin') and baby doll, Zoe got a "puter" computer to all of you that don't speak Zoe, and Carter got his power wheels four wheeler. At first Carter was baffled because he thought Santa had brought him Avery's four wheeler! So there it is 2007 Christmas is chronicled maybe now I will go wash the dishes still dirty from 2007.....


Brenda said...

I'm not bragging but I'm a way better picture taker than you. It's getting them onto the computer that I struggle with. Michael looks hot in that picture. You married him for his looks right?

Brenda said...

We both forgot to mention the ROCKIN' concert we went to! Metallic Girls forever!!!

Shannon said...

Looks like fun, scuzin!

melanie said...

The bragging comments have me cracking up. Definitely something I need today since it was early release and I've been yelling since 1! Can you say that in every post? Just for me.

Love all your photos. Jax is looking old in that photo, scary!

Holly said...

Sooo FUN! We had such a great time all together! It makes me want to live closer! Besides we would forever feel guilty for breaking up the Metallic Girls. Especially since they are starting to get along! Uncle Brett doesn't think they will stay together much longer. We've got to give them a chance to prove him wrong. Gotta go...Idol is on.