Thursday, November 18, 2010

Braxton's baptism

On the way to Eagle Mountain we stopped in Treemonton to see my Great Aunt Eloise.  Her house is filled with things  I remember seeing at my Great Grandma's house.  I loved that my girls got to be there with us--four generations.

Showing us some of Great Grandma's treasures from her wedding and even some of her Mother's things that would be my girls great, great, great Grandma!

Uncle Charles wartime medals.  He was a POW in WWII for over 3 years.  He is the neatest man, in his 90's and struggling with his health, but the mind is so strong.  He told some neat stories.

The boy we came to see!  He was so sweet and I felt it was more than worth the 24 hours of driving, and 10 hours of sleep in 4 days to be there!

Heather and Brett--the proud parents.

On the way home we stopped at my Great Aunt Bonnies--the girls are turning my Great Grandma's butter churn.

Dad, Mom, Aunt Bonnie, and Uncle Frank

Aunt Bonnie, did just what my Grandma used to do--stand outside and wave as you drove off.

This picture is of my Great Grandma Louise Kunzler Puglsey.  It hung in my Grandma Bishop's basement and us kids would swear her eyes would follow us.  Now I'd love to have it hang in my basement and freak my kids out!


Shannon said...

I am going to have nightmares tonight because I saw that picture!! Ha ha - no, I really will.

I loved seeing the pics of Grandma's sisters - thanks for posting them.

melanie said...

I remember you trying to scare me with that picture. So funny, I'm cracking up.

How fun to see your great aunts. I see some of your grandma in them. Great visits.

Heather said...

Oh that picture! I'm glad to be reminded it exists. Thanks for coming to Utah. Sure do love you guys- it wouldn't have been the same without you. Miss you tons :)

Holly said...

Seriously I would have been just fine to never have seen that picture again. I really appreciate the reminder! It was great to spend the weekend together. Guess it's our turn to go to Washington next. :0)

Brenda said...

You would force us to stand in front of it and walk side to side and watch as her eyes follow us. Then I would cry and SPRINT upstairs. I have to go rock myself in a corner now.

P.S. Seeing those pictures of Aunt Bonnie and Aunt Eloise makes me miss grandma.

Louise said...

Me too Brenda, but it was great visiting for a few minutes with my sweet Aunts