Monday, February 27, 2012

Biopsy part 1 of Histio part 3

Jackson had a CT scan at 7:45 this morning then we checked in at the surgery center at 8 am. His surgery was scheduled for 9:15 but got pushed back until 10am because the previous surgery which had started in the middle of the night still wasn't finished. I can't imagine how that child's parents were doing. Jackson was a trooper and the surgery was 2.5 hours just like the surgeon predicted. When the surgeon came to talk to us (My parents were with me, because Michael is flying to Dallas today for work) He said how impressed he and the team were with Jackson. When they took him back to start his IV and put him under he joked with everyone and was so positive. He told us how amazing he thought it was for a teenage boy who is facing his 3 round of Chemo to be so upbeat. He said the surgery went fine and that they know they got a good biopsy, however he had already heard from the pathologist that they couldn't confirm Histiocytosis yet. There were histiocytes but everyone has histiocytes. The pathologist said there was something fibrous that they hadn't identified yet and that they planned to do more stains and testing but we may not get the answer this week like we planned. I asked if that meant it for sure wasn't Histiocytosis and he said no, that it still could be Histio. He also had a little more bleeding than they like to close with so they put a drain in his eyelid that we have to go have removed tomorrow morning-just one stitch is holding it in. Good thing Michael is in Texas, he wouldn't like the dressing changes! Jackson had nothing at the hospital for pain and since getting back to the hotel has only had Tylenol. He requested chocolate and Gatorade and those requests have been honored! Right now I am blogging to the sound of his snores. I love it--it could only be better if all my children were here snoring too.  I'm looking for answers as to why my words are underlined --- anyone answers??!!

                                    Grandpa Kent, Grandma Louise, and Jackson before surgery.
The surgeon came in and after we all agreed it was the right eye-he initialed the right side and made a dot to dot for his scalpel to follow!  This is so the scar won't be noticeable when it heals.

                                        After surgery back, with the initials JP still branding him!


The little rubber band looking part is the drain that comes out tomorrow morning.


melanie said...

Your words are underlined because they are part of your picture link. Wait, I think I lost you.

I'm so impressed with Jax, with you, with Michael, with your whole family. Hoping for the answers this week. Waiting stinks!

Love you!

melanie said...

Oh and I hope Michael looked away, just in case there was no one close to catch him when he fell.

Brooke said...

You are all CONSTANTLY in our thoughts and prayers! You all amaze us with your positive attitudes. Sending lots of love and prayers your way! Xoxo

Katie said...

Thanks for the posting. I've been thinking about you guys and wondering how everything is going. You are in our prayers and we are so grateful for your family and your major awesomeness.
Jar jar sinksa weesa needsa spa treatments whensa evsa yousa ready. :)

Katie said...

Thanks for updating--hoping Jax isn't in too much discomfort this morning! Looks like it could be quite sore.

I'm so amazed by him and of course, by you! Praying!!!

Maria said...

Thanks for the update. Love and prayers to you all.
What a trooper..I know he doesn't have a choice but he's handling this so much better than many adults would. Still wish it wasn't happening to him (or anyone).

Brenda said...

Great post sister. And aren't you glad Melly is in our family? She makes me laugh! We love you!

michele said...

Praying for you! Michele Jansen

The McGary's said...

Oh my goodness Becky, you're family is AMAZING! How do you do it? I was so sad to read this, I hadn't checked your blog in a while and figured things were going well. I hope things turn around for you guys and you get the answers you are looking for. Your sweet family is in our prayers!

Oh and I wish I could've heard Sammi sing, I would've loved to hear it.

Granny DeeAnn said...

Hope everything is on the upward path. Love, love you all so much. :o)AD