Friday, June 22, 2012

2012 Histio Heroes Bike-a-walk-a-thon

We had a VERY successful, VERY cold 2nd annual histio heroes bike-a-walk-a-thon this year.  We raised $46,000.00!!  Can you believe it?  Me either.  I was so anxious this year.  Someone had warned me that maybe people wouldn't turn out as well, because it wasn't a new exciting thing.  So I worried over that, then I worried because I hadn't got the word out at the Middle and High Schools as early as I wanted.  Then as it got closer I worried about all the different opinions I was getting about what to change, what not to change etc.... Then the weather did not look good--and it wasn't.  I was so afraid we were going to have 97 volunteers, and 37 participants.  But we didn't.  A record 334 participants raising a record amount of money---and people were huddling for warmth with big smiles on their faces.  I cried all day out of gratitude.  I don't recommend it--gives you one huge headache!  Jackson did a much better thank you at the end, he needed more warning than I gave him last year,  and this time he had his thoughts written down which helped.  I can't express how I feel, it's conflicted--it was so hard to see Jackson moving slower, talking slower, out of most physical activities and back in chemo this year--when last year we thought that MAYBE that was behind him.  So that for me was so discouraging when I compare the two events.  But, the fact that our community, friends and family are supporting him more fiercely than before, is such a blessing, so amazing, and so appreciated.  I guess like they say, every cloud has a silver lining~the people in our life are our silver linings.

Jackson and Dexter during the "early morning hours", according to the teenagers in my life it was early!

Avery and Blake waiting for the fun.

Cutie pie Zach looks like he might be run over.

Hadley, Braydon, and Justin/Lane I need a closer shot to see if there is a freckle above the left eyebrow.  It's Justin, his sister Carley just confirmed.
Nancy, Gina, and ??

Birthday girl Amber with Carly.  Happy Birthday Amber!!

I think I can.....

Lunch time in the frozen tundra.

My sister Holly is telling a very engrossing tale--I'm her sister, I know that look!


Rikki Raap said...

It was such a fun day! Thanks for all of your hard work to put on the big event!

Louise said...

You're so right, it was an awesome day full of awesome people. Thanks for all your hard work and many hours of worry, it paid off!! Next year the weather man won't be invited, he was a real drag!!