Thursday, November 29, 2007

Five Kids Just Weren't Enough

STOP IT---I am not announcing a pregnancy so everyone just stop the terrified screaming and take a deep breath. We have recently increased the size of our family however; by adding a kitten. After Matt and Courtney let Avery have 5 kittens, which they promptly killed and then they got her two more I couldn't take the peer(parent/peer) pressure any longer and I gave in. We put a dozen or so names in a hat and Ella won. So welcome to the family Ella. Carter constantly puts her food in the water dish, and sits in her bed(which is in a closet no less),Zoe lives to love this cat and is bothered by the fact I won't let her hold Ella while she is in the bathtub, and or adjacent throne. Sierra wants to dress her up in doll clothes and put her in doll strollers, and Sammi and Jackson are constantly yelling things like, "Mom the kids are rolling Ella up in blankets like five of them, Mom the little kids are carrying Ella by her tail, Mom Zoe is holding her by the paws and spinning in circles, and so on and so forth. To let the cat out of the bag (I crack myself up) I really don't like animals. I just like that someone else, besides me, is being harrassed and man handled constantly. Actually I am starting to feel a sort of sisterhood with Ella-you go girlfriend. If you can live through Sierra, Zoe and Carter you deserve all the Catnip I can afford. In fact I tell you what Ella, if you and I survive the three musketeers childhood we will have a spa date together. Just take it one day at a time Ella, one day at a time.


melanie said...

You did have a weak moment! I say to myself over and over, I wont give in, I wont give in. I am no animal lover either BUT if it took on the kids willingly, I just might be all for it. Here's hoping Ella survives, otherwise you might just get Ella after Ella to keep those kids entertained. You know, just like Matt and Courtney.

Brooke said...

You seriously crack me up! I use to throw cats over the fence by their tails.... Good thing I am not a cat owner. I am sure Ella will be just fine. Good luck

Brenda said...

Here kitty, kitty. Here kitty, kitty. BAM! Garage door. Question: Do you put Diet Coke in her water dish? You may want to consider it...

Shannon said...

I hope this cat makes it to Christmas!

RCA said...