Monday, November 12, 2007

Syndrome Boy

Can anyone out there help me identify which syndrome Carter has? I know it's got to be something because no almost three year old I know is as random as he is. I imagine that perhaps my cousin Shannon ( love you Shan) was like this as a toddler, but I haven't done the research to find out if that is true. I asked Carter, "what are you doing son?" when I walked in the room and saw him. He answered, "these me eye stickers Momma son". Well, there you go Momma son, question answered. Syndrome boy also sat on my lap tonight, I should mention we had company over for dinner and FHE, and promptly pee-pee'd us both. It was one NICE touch, Carter. If nothing else is true about us, it is true that Royal City may be a little too high class for us'n Noftles. After all un such we can't even sees our ways to the indoor plumbing when company's a foot. And gull durn it all, couldna some such someone washin that there durn boys face ever?


Heather said...

Cute Carter! He is pretty random, but mabye not as random as Brendas' sweet litte Carson is at times! Love the pee-pee. Any mom of boys has inevitably had that happen before!

Holly said...

Love the look Carter! It is just your style. I remember once when Sydney was about 6 mos old and I had her in her swing, and I was in the bathroom, when I come out to both girls giggling and Kylie had COVERED Syd in stickers. I have a picture. It was so cute! I don't know about you, but I wish they stayed that little forever. Pre-teen isn't what I signed up for! ha ha

Granny DeeAnn said...
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Granny DeeAnn said...

Sorry Becky, it's not Shannon! He gets it from Grandpa Kent!! Those durn granpas!

Shannon said...

Thank you DeeAnn! Though I do have a random child myself - my Adam. He and Carter would have fun together. Adam loves to pee in the yard - I guess I should count my blessings that it is not in my lap!

Brooke said...

I don't know bec.... he might get it from his uncle/cousin Greg. He is totally off his rocker:) Just the other night I caught Greg in the bathroom putting stickers all over himself. Too weird!

melanie said...

I love a random little boy. What would you do without Carter? Isn't he they type that one day you'll say, Carter kept me young....watt, or will it be Carter aged me really fast. Either way, it wouldn't be the same without him. Sorry about the pee.

It cracks me up when my mom comments. She used to hate my blogging and stalking of others. Now she comments, go figure.

Courtney said...

Thats so funny Becky, you didnt tell me this story! When I was little, my Mom found me in her bathroom and I had emtied a whole box of panty liners and stuck them to the walls and stuff because I thought they were airplane stickers!

Brenda said...

Yes. Heather has correctly diagnosed again. He has Carson Syndrome. So sorry to hear it. We used intensive shock therapy, but that just fried any normal brain cells. On the other hand, I remember Mom catching Matt eating sticks of butter. Can't get much weirder than that!

Louise said...

I'm afraid DeeAnn is right. It comes from Grandpa Kent, its just that Carson is older, therefore caught the weird syndrome first. How come Courtney and I live 1-5 minutes from you and we don't hear about half of this stuff.