Sunday, September 14, 2008

One Year Today

Here it is----the one year mark. I started blogging on a Sunday, one year ago. A year seems like plenty of time to get a lot done, doesn't it? Yet here it is one year later and the big change is that my computer in now downstairs instead of upstairs! One year later and I have got 4 kids in school--2 in the middle school. Having them grow older feels more aging to me than my own birthday's do. One year later and Michael and I have new church callings--he is teaching a sunday school class for 14-16 year olds and I am Primary President. I have probabaly not blogged too much about primary, I try to keep this mostly about my family, but I love primary, not being President, but primary!! One year later and my pantry is fairly organized although it has been slipping slightly as of late--only 12 more closets to organize and then it will be time to do the pantry again--I am sure of it. One year later and I still find it hard to "get 'er done". Mainly the" 'er" is laundry, housework, time for myself, time to excercise (pause to scream and shudder here) time to write, time to keep in touch with friends and family.... Maybe I shouldn't dwell on the negative, let's one year I've roughly done 520 loads of laundry, vacuumed the carpets 200 times, loaded and unloaded the dishwasher 365 times, and driven approxiamtely 30,0000 miles, helped with homework at least 300 times, given over 900 baths, thrown several parties, made about 25 trips to the doctor, given medicine well over 780 times, taught preschool roughly 64 times and the list could go on and on. There I feel much better, I have accomplished a lot! Let's see what the next year brings--hopefully chocolate that causes weight loss!


Granny DeeAnn said...

Congrats Becky! I've read every one of your posts and am amazed with all that you do..... I know you have many more hats than what you are admitting to. I just love the daughter hat, the auntie hat, the niece hat, the granny hat, the sister/brother hat, family hat, teacher hat, Church hat....... Oh then is referee hat. the counselor. You have such a fun family maybe someday I'll move closer and you will lend me a few hats........... REMEMBER I will pick the hat that I want. It won't be a laundress!!! I'll need to pray about it and then I will let you know!!!

melanie said...

I love your blog! When you have a new post up I get excited cause even if it's a serious topic, I know I'm going to smile! You are one busy, with it mom that has a fabulous way with words. Congrats on your first year!!

Miller Family said...

Congrats Becky. You HAVE accomplished so much in a year and are truly a fabulous mom and friend. Your family is VERY lucky to have you and I know all your pre-school kids love you too. Keep up the great job and the "er" always gets done at some point!

Shannon said...

Congrats on one year of blogging! I do love reading your hilarious posts. My only complaint is it makes me miss you!
I'll take some of that chocolate please.

Shannon said...

Oh - and that picture is very cute!

Brenda said...

I've never felt so proud.

Holly said...

Wo hoo! One year of blogging! I am just impressed you kept track...I sure haven't. You are amazing at everything you do...and you do A LOT!! Your family is so lucky to have you...and not just Michael and the kids!

Louise said...

Congrats Becky, job well done. Not to brag or anything, but I have some pretty special daughters, starting with the oldest. Now can I have some of that chocolate? Love you!!

Heather said...

Didn't you know that dark chocolate is a powerful antioxidant? It's even better for you than blueberries. So next time you grab for some chocolate- don't feel bad- you're helping your body out! Miss you guys tons!

Granny DeeAnn said...

Sorry my comments are so screwy. I might have taken an Ambein!! One thing I know for sure is I love you lots!!!! :o)

Granny DeeAnn said...

Oh and Louise, keep braging! I will always agree with you!!! Great family, great friends!

The McGary's said...

your funny and I want some of that chocolate because whether it is healthy or not I eat it. If you think you don't "get "er' done" then I hate to think of how I really don't get er done.