Thursday, September 11, 2008


I am unsure about what to post. I am almost at the one year mark and am super excited to have at least one year of my life with kids in print. We all know that not one of my five kiddos is getting out of here with a baby book--haven't even bought one for Carter yet--note to self great 4 year old birthday gift a baby book! We are plugging along, 21 preschoolers including Carter this year. Four kids in school and for the first time a real stuggler with the school scene. I won't name names, but man I love this kid (o.k. I love them all I admit it --- please don't tell them it'll go to their heads). I am watching a daily, no hourly struggle to keep it together and move forward and sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Anyway it has consummed this house and Family for three weeks now and it is rough. No time of the day passes without thoughts for this child, worry for this child, prayers for this child. The silver lining--how the siblings are praying and being so kind to the sibling. Love to see that more often! Anyway couldn't let this experience pass--I don't think I'll forget it, but the way the mind is slipping who knows. Keep the mystery child with the mystery problem in your prayers please! Oh--and happy birthday to my sweet cousin Melanie--I love living close to you and yours. And Grandpa Bishop I intended to watch The Price is Right today in honor of you ( I would have yelled at Drew Carey since Bob Barker up and quit I think he didn't have the heart to go on without you!) but the darn day got away from me. Love you Grandpa!


melanie said...

My kids better love my blog, it's the only baby book they're getting too! It has stats and photos but I'm sure they'll find something to complain about.

Your sweet family has been in my prayers, especially your mystery child. You are such a fabulous mother, I want to be like you when I grow up!

Thanks for the happy birthday phone call. Next year we can watch The Price is Right together, I'll be rid of Dane!! I love my cousins too, thanks for always putting up with me!

Brenda said...

Happy Birthday Mel and Grandpa! And we're keeping the mystery kid in our prayers too.

Holly said...

Brian and I went to the temple today and I put "you know who's" name in the prayer roll. I know it will get better. The all searching question is when. I sincerely pray it will be soon. Very soon! We love you...and you're constantly, constantly in our thought and prayers right now, more than ever!

Louise said...

I think we are starting to see definite signs of things turning to the postive side. If we could only figure out what makes our minds tick the way they do, its such a mystery. I am truly grateful for a higher power and for the blessings of prayer! Hang in there Becky, we are right behind you all the way.

Granny DeeAnn said...

I love you. You are such a good example for my kids and me. I think the thing that will pull you through, is your sweet, sweet, personality and your hilarious sense of humor. Your Great Grandmother Andersen's philosophy was to never ever lose your sense of humor because it can and will get you through anything. Anyone that can be a Relief Society pres. for 27 years, knows what she is talking about. Hang in there and "this too shall pass!" (Grandpa Andersen's philosophy!)