The day starts with an MRI at 7:15am, Jax picked out some tunes and rocked out while holding very still.
While Carter and I waited, Carter looked out the window at the Children's Hospital patient park.
Next it was on to Endocrinology, and this included lots of waiting, I mean reading, time! During this appointment Carter went to the sibling playroom--they have a wii so I don't need to describe what Carter did with his time in there.
Then on to Oncology. The boys make infusion rooms look loungeable.
Usually infusion of his Chemo drug only takes about an hour from start to finish, but the Pharmacy sent the Chemo drug in the wrong "state" so we 'got' to double our time in this curtained off room. Enough time to let the brothers take a cat nap.
So to sum up, the day at the Hospital started at 7:15am and we got back to the hotel at 6:30pm, but it sounds worse than it was. Mainly Carter played in the sibling playroom for a total of four hours today, and Jax and I waited and read most of the day. If they only possessed a single comfy chair at the hospital I would have considered it a good day!
No results on the MRI, but they are sending it off to Houston for Dr. McClain to review, I hope it won't take too long to get some sort of report. Jackson's blood counts were great today:
WBC was 2.0 last week 6.2 today and normal is 5-12
HCT was 35.0 last week 36.7 today and normal is 31-48
PLT was 743 last week 475 today and normal is 150-500
ANC was 800 last week 3385 today and normal is over 1000
I'm off to get my laundry--it follows me all the way to Seattle. We are looking forward to the rest of the family coming tomorrow, feels like it's been way more than 3 days for some reason.
Before you wrote the part about the chairs, I'd already planned to comment on this subject after seeing the pics of Jax sitting in "the blue with small confetti print (circus inspired, maybe), hard, uncomfortalbe, what type of fabric is that anyway, chair"?!? I'm very familiar with that chair! Yuck- they are horrible!!! Maybe we can petition for new chairs since we do know how much that hospital has made off our kiddos! Children's can afford it!!! I still love the place though and on Easter, our boys got to go play on that playground. Maybe it's just a "special occasion" thing for siblings?
Oh, and YES!!! on the blood count results! Way to go Jackson!
Nice work on the blood counts! And laundry? Seriously? Where is my mother? We need to have words;P
Your mother is right here feeding the rest of the Noftle family, running them to violin lessons and kissing Zoe's "boo boos" several times a day at school and loving every minute of it. I'm so thankful SOME of my family lives close enough for me to help them once in a while, hint hint! Can't wait to get to Seattle today, it does seem like its been more than 4 days since they left.
Hip Hip Hooray for the GREAT Blood Counts! Have a fantastic weekend in Seattle Noftle family!! You truly deserve it!!!!
jackson is such a special kid. he is amazing. What is his favorite snack? LOVE brittanyJo
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