Thursday, September 16, 2010

Still Here

Been a while since the last blog entry, since then we have:

1.  Had five children doing homework in their 19 different subjects
2.  Gone to Stake Meetings, Cub Scout Pack Meetings, Drivers Ed. Parent Meetings, Presidency Meetings, 504 plan meetings....meetings
3.  Sammi started volleyball at the Middle School
4.  Jax had his first C squad football game (they won with no seconds left on the clock with an amazing field goal kick--first highschool game is a win for this class!)
5.  Zoe and Carter started soccer---Mom is Carters' coach, she gets a better workout than any of the players.
6.  Took Jackson to Seattle for checkups with Oncology and Endocrinology.
7.  Took two nieces into my home so the other niece could be dramatic with an admission to Seattle Children's Hosptial!
8.  Avery, Zoe and Sierra did cheer/dance camp and performed at the High School Football game--I videoed the bleachers, (didn't know camera was on) then put it on the girls and turned the camera off ( I thought I was turning it on).  GRRRRR
9.  Driven Carter for x-rays in Moses Lake--he's fine.
10.  Driven to Piano and Violin lessons a few times.
11.  Helped with Middle School NWEA testing.
12.  Did I mention the 5 kids all have homework all the time??
13.  Let Carter, Zoe, and Sierra invite friends over for playdates.
14.  Many loads of laundry, not much cleaning (don't worry it shows), too much cooking ( I think if I quit making meals the kitchen wouldn't need cleaning so much, I might try it)

So really not much here--nothing to blog about anyway.


Louise said...

Isn't that what blogging is all about-life? The only bad part of all your activities besides the fact that it's almost insane is all the homework, I don't envy that part!! I promise it will end someday!

Heather said...

Nice work Sis! You might just be the busiest mom I know. It could be worse- you could be spending every waking moment on a soccer field. Oh the joys of boys :)

Brenda said...

I loathe homework. Why do the teachers punish us? We're on their side. And you videoed the bleachers? That's awesome.

Miller Family said...

I hear ya Becky! Thanks again for coaching. I truly appreciate it!! Now what is in store for us "Crazy Moms" this week?! More Craziness and hopefully lots of laughs and memories!

Katie said...

How come every time I see you you have a super cute outfit on, great hair and makeup, and are calm, cool, and collected? Do you teach classes on that? I need them.
I really feel for you on the taping the bleachers thing. That is a frustrating discovery.