Sunday, May 22, 2011

Maddie is my heart hero

Today, Royal City's most famous patient left for Seattle for her third, and biggest heart procedure. About 75 of us lined her road to send her off with our love. We do love Maddie and her family, so please pray for her, pray for her family. The surgery is on Tuesday.  My sister Brenda is Katie and Brian's age, I'm MUCH, MUCH older (!!), but it has been good to have Katie to talk to. She understands my heartache over Jackson's health. She knows first hand the ridiculous guilt I feel as a mother. She empathizes about insurance and medical expenses and spending hours on the get not enough done. And however nice it is to have someone else who "gets" all that, I wish she didn't. I wish Maddie had a whole heart as healthy as her brothers. I wish Katie hadn't a clue what oxygen sats were, or child life services, or Bactrium, or the name of her scheduler at Seattle Children's, or what floor the family laundry is on, and the cafeteria, and the sibling playroom, or what doors to go out of for cell service. But she does and she always will.  And of my many, many blessings I count my "Medical Mom" friend Katie high on the list. 

So go get 'em Maddie, I am keeping my pink bracelet on till you get home safe, sound, and PINK!!

Maddie at the Harvest Ball in Tri-Cities.
Maddie the "Cover Girl"
Balloons for Maddie.  We let them go when they drove up the road.

You can't read it with my mad camera skills, but the bracelet says, "Maddie is my heart hero". 
 Katie had them made---love it!


Miller Family said...

I am so glad we were able to do that for them! What a sweet post Becky! And I too wish you did not have to go through all the medical stuff. Your family is always in our prayers as well! You are amazing!!

Beverley said...

Oh my I don't know this family much but I cried when I read your beautiful post and thought of Jax and your family and how wonderful a friend you are to everyone with all your promblems you always reach out to others, you have earned your reward in heaven but I hope it is a long time till you get it. Love ya tons see ya soon.

Louise said...

We love all our "famous" Royal City patients, but our prayers and focus are definitely on sweet Maddie this week. We love you Maddie!!

Brenda said...

I so glad I was home to be a part of her "Royal" send-off. Our town rules. We love Maddie and are ecstatic that she did so well today!!!

Katie said...

This was so very kind and sweet of you to post. You are an amazing friend, one who completely "gets" this. I love you, thanks for always loving and supporting our family and especially Miss Maddie. Our prayers are with Jax and the Noftles always.