Sunday, May 29, 2011

This week we...


Monday=Violin/Piano recital in Moses Lake for these girlies.
Tuesday=The first little league games,  Carter 5 pm field 1 Zoe 5 pm field 2 Sierra 6:30 pm field 3
(no pics yet)
 Wednesday=High School Evening of Honors.  Jackson was recognized for being on the honor roll and for random acts of kindness.  The RAK was from the Life skills teacher at the High School.  She said Jax and Tanner know the names of all her students and make a point of poking their heads in her room when they walk by to talk to the kiddos in there.  They also look out for them at lunch and other events.  Jackson is talking to Yesenia in this picture --- she adores "yackson" as she calls him.  (sorry that sounded pretty braggy, but I think that is a pretty great award for him and Tanner to get)
 Thursday=Sierra game 5pm , Carter bye, Zoe game 6:30 pm Carter Kindergarten program 6:30 pm.  See any conflicts there??!!
I'm hoping there are some better pics on my video camera because these are pretty bad.  To be fair--Carter never stopped moving!
 Friday=Mr. 8th grade program.  Sammi and Bailey put on this whole event for their end of term "passion project".  They did an amazing job.  It was attended by more than 125 people and they raised over $1000.00 for Histiocytosis, plus it was fun!  Way to go girls.

Wednesday was also Uncle Matt's 31st birthday but darn it if I can't move the picture to it's rightful place!

 Saturday Michael and I left for Spokane, we had tickets to see "Wicked"(loved it) and we are spending the weekend it's our belated anniversary weekend---Happy 18th sweetheart!


Shannon said...

You are a busy lady! Has it really been 18 years since I was on my mission and got your beautiful wedding announcement in the mail?? Sheesh, I am old.

Miller Family said...

Yessenia is a sweet girl! Bragging is what us mom's are supposed to do in a humble manner and you are very humble! Jackson is kind and should be honored for it! Way to go Sammi and Bailey. Sounds like you had a great turn out for Mr. 8th Grade.

Heather said...

Nice job to the kiddos- and even nicer job to their Mom for getting them to all their important events. Being a mom is a busy, crazy job! Love you :)