Thursday, October 25, 2012

Sierra turns 12 (nearly a month ago!) on 9/27/12

Dear Diary,
Sorry I've been so bad about writing. There has been a weird time warp in the last month which has literally left me feeling like I am not being granted 24 hour days. Behind in everything I couldn't get a minute to write in you. Michael went to Minnesota (Minniapolis? something with an M) for 3 days then came home and went to Canada for 10 days all in September, all for business. Maybe that contributed. I know I don't sleep well without the familiar, comforting "white noise" of his snoring. Should have taped the boy before he ditched me. He came home on Sierra's 12th birthday which was day 2 of Jackson's 8th round of Chemo. I had to farm out Sammi, Zoe and Carter between Mom and Courtney but I kidnapped Sierra from the Middle School because I didn't want to miss being with her on her birthday. She still likes me, I want to enjoy that before the teenage beast overwhelms her and convinces her I am the bad guy! Here are 12 things to love about Sierra;
1. She is kind, so kindhearted that I often ache for her because I know how it hurts her when she recieves the bumps and bruises that girls her age run into.
2.  She is weird, get her with Sammi and those two pull weird faces and come up with weird voices.
3.  She is adored by Courtney's girls, which is so good for her self-esteem, loving we live by them.
4.  She is stylish, and she knows what "look" she is going for.  Sometimes its so edgy I don't even recognize it as a "look"!
5.  She is smart, so smart, and does well in school consequently.
6.  She loves clogging class and is getting good.
7.  She likes to ride her bike and go on walks but doesn't seem drawn to any particular team sport yet.
8.  She is sooooo excited for mutual activities and Young Womens!
9.  She is fastidious about caring for her contact lenses, annoyingly so.  For example, she thinks she can only use the contact solution they used when she bought her contacts.  Counts the number of hours they are in her eyes and removes them promptly when time is up.  Washes and air dries her case daily.
10.  Loves Justin Bieber, and One Direction.
11.  Seems to have inherited my insomnia gene, although I hope not.
12.  Is the sibling most often willing to outside and play with Carter, to Carter's delight.

Good Morning birthday girl.
A 17 year old chemo patient and his 12 year old sister.

Sierra picked mexican food for lunch.

Birthday desert tortillas?!

Michael didn't like his welcome home.  After picking Michael up from the airport we stopped at Southcenter mall and spent about 30 minutes inside and came out to discover our car had been vandelized.  Laptop gone, watch bought on his mission, gone, many other things in travel laptop backpack gone.

By the way--Mall parking lot security, not helpful.

 We cleaned up, ducktaped and cardboarded up the window and carried on.  Next stop was a birthday cake for one of the worlds' most wonderful daughters.
When we got home our front door was decorated with all of this from the Young Women, welcoming Sierra in!
An original Aunt Brenda designed party invite.  Nothing but the best for our 12 year old.
She picked an 80's themed rollerskating party, so much fun.  I wish I would have taken close ups of everyones outfits, my photos were mostly blurry due to my mad photog rollerskating skills.
Birthday cake made by Bethany Maasen.

Kaleigh and Tierney--upright even!
Detton and Carter, their talents apparently lie elsewhere!
After trying and falling multiple times.....and all before making it to the rollerskating rink, Jax hung up his skates and picked up a cutie pie Anistynn (in legwarmers :) no less) instead.  A much safer choice for him.
The lighting of the candles.
"Whoa doggy"~Carter said that alot with skates on.
The Andersen gang rocked the so totally rad look. 
Some dance they all knew the moves too---my brain old---can't recall song---

Kale, Detton, Carter, and Tanner found it was safer to slap fives then skate!

I have dozens of blurry skating photos should I post more?

Michael, I think he sneaks off to practice skating when I think he is working, he was a little too good at it.

Sweet Adalynn, I think she has a twinner personality with my Sweet Sierra.

Totally Awesome chickies. (aka Sierra and Hadley)


Holly said...

I can't believe how grown up Sierra looks. It hasn't been that long since we've been to Royal has it? Beautiful girl inside and out. Can't wait to see you all soon, hopefully!

Louise said...

She really is all you said she is!! And "yes" Holly, she's suddenly looking older! Why does that happen so fast??

Brooke said...

Holy cow what a fun party! happy birthday sweet Sierra! Please tell Jax he is always in our thoughts and prayers. We love you guys! xox