Monday, December 10, 2012

Homecoming/Chemo week 2012

Homecoming week couldn't have been a worse week for Jackson, oh just kidding, of course it could have been worse;  wait stop, I don't want the universe to show me worse!!  Every few months he has an EXTRA hospital day for MRI and BAER tests and since this is Jackson's luck it was during Homecoming week.  But he did get to go to school on Monday.  Monday was pajama day for the Middle School, and the High School(funny usually Sammi's hair and makeup aren't quite so down when she wakes up).  It was Red Ribbon week, or say no to drugs, or DARE (depends on the generation your from) at Red Rock Elementary.  Monday was your favorite sports team for the Grade Schoolers (yes I do realize I made up that word---I like it).  That's right 5 kids, 3 different schools, and dress up days for them all.  Michael can now receive visitors, we had to place him in a psychiatric unit because he was in charge of homecoming week from Tuesday through Friday while Jax and I were in Seattle, enough to make any sane Father insane.

Crazy hair day at Middle School, wear as much red as possible for Grade Schoolers, and Michael missed getting Sammi's photo, but rest assured, she looked great. I t was pool flotation device day at the high school.  Tuesday at the Hospital was wear a hospital gown to your MRI day.  Jax looked great too!

Wednesday was St. Patricks day for the sophomores, duck tape day for the Middle School (she made duck tape shoes which don't show) and, mismatched shoe day at the Grade School.  At the hospital it was wear your stretchy pants to chemo day.

Thursday was career day at the Middle school, and crazy hair day at Red Rock.  It was Duck Dynasty tee shirt day for Jackson at the hospital (somehow I survive the embarrassing situations he puts me in).

After Chemo on Friday we drove home.  Jackson had been selected as the "Prince" for homecoming royalty for the Junior class.  Here he is with the "Princess" Brianne Diaz.
Oops--- somewhere in that gaggle of pictures was Sierra's crazy hair day. from the back. No time to move this pic to its proper place.....things to do, things to do.  Carter had red crazy hair ala Courtney but she sent me a picture on my old cellphone which, thankfully, lives no more. (love you Brenda thanks for the new phone!)

We slept at home Friday night, (bliss) and then Saturday morning at 7:30 am Jackson picked up his homecoming date, Morgan Small, and Tanner and his date, Hailey Worsham and Nancy and I headed back to Seattle for Chemo.  I have pictures of their day in Seattle ---- somewhere.  Regardless we stopped in North Bend, ate lunch at Five Guys Burgers and Fries and Nancy and I pretended not to be with them so they could kind of experience a homecoming date without their Moms, poor kids.  Then the Hospital for Chemo, then Issaquah and.... I think I forgot Trophy cupcakes in the run down of the day.  Trophy cupcakes should never be forgotten.  After the ride BACK over the mountain (don't even ask about my gas bill for this chemo round) the kids got their costumes on and met their friends for the dance.  Here is Alice and the Mad Hatter or Morgan and Jackson.
The blushing bride, Hailey, and her hubby, Tanner.

Too far behind to put pictures in order people, another homecoming royalty shot.

The whole gang. Peyton and Seila, Parker and Charisty, Carter and Quincy, Tanner and Hailey, Collin and Becca, Jax and Morgan, and Todd and Brittany Jo.

The boys
Two of my favorite sophomores, Jacob Lee and Sammi.
After the dance it was back to our house for an Ice-cream bar, which I was barely able to keep my little kids out of, it took the BIG lion whip.

Aha--found the pictures of the "day" portion of homecoming date 2012--Ready to eat lunch.

teenagers in a hospital room---Hailey with her I have a cough mask.

Jax is Not doing what you think he is putting skittles in his mouth---I swear!!

Tanner and Daren offered to get up Sunday morning and drive Jackson back to Seattle for his Nuelasta shot--Thank You my hands were cramped from all the driving I did this week!!  I guess I can cross long distance trucker off my list of future careers.


Louise said...

Hooray, an updated blog!! You know things are out of control when you don't even have time to blog during those usually boring chemo weeks, phew! Fun pictures!!

Brooke said...

Such fun pictures. We think about you guys all the time. Hope Jax is hanging in there. Love you all! xoxo