Thursday, December 20, 2012

Sammi's Surgery

 November 12th, Sammi had her tonsils and adenoids taken out.  She had strep four times last year so we were all ready to say goodbye to those meanies.
Her surgery was at Seattle Children's Hospital.  They know just how to treat little kids with their blankies, and stuffed animals.  All of those precious items get ID bracelets that match them to their patient.  I was only hugely embarrassed that yellow blanket, Fitzy and Lucy came with us.

Waiting ---- in the waiting area of all places.  Bailey, Sierra, Zoe, Carter, Sammi, and I made the day surgery trip.

In her "costume" as Zoe would say.
Sammi's surgery was over 2 hours (maybe 3 it's been to long to remember-this is why you blog when things are fresh in your mind) later than planned because of an unplanned complication in the surgery before hers.  After  a while she stated getting pale and shaky (maybe because she wasn't allowed food or drink since midnight?) and complaining that she felt weak, then she really started freaking out (sorry to use such technical medical terms) that she was going to faint, and SHE DID.  She also started convulsing which really freaked me out.  I told Bailey to get a nurse and take the kids in the hall, which bless her heart she did.  The nurse ambled in, saw Sammi and in seconds there were five of them in our little pre-op room.  One starting an IV, one lowering her head, one raising her feet up high, one taking her blood pressure and sats, and one ordering the other four around!! (I would want the last job)  Sammi immediately came to but started crying, it scared her badly.  After we got some fluids in her she went from gray, to green, to pink again and life was much better.  I got the girls from the hallway and the nurses all fussed over them saying what good kids they all were.  Then we teased Sammi about being a drama queen until it was time for her surgery.  One sweet thing was after her fainting episode she never let go of my hand until they took her away, you know it scared her when she shows a clingy side!

After surgery, looking less peppy than the above picture.
The first thing she said when they wheeled her in after surgery was "does my breath stink?".  She had a mortal fear of smelling like Carter did after he had the same surgery.  After a few tries to keep liquids down we were back on the road heading to Royal and several nights of not much sleep.  In fact the first two nights she made me sleep with her, I will say this, she didn't snore!

Leaving the hospital, everyone taking turns pushing the patient.

Did I mention it only snows if I am driving somewhere---it's weird. The weather man could save himself some trouble by just tracking my schedule instead of the atmosphere.

1 comment:

Louise said...

Wow, that all seems like so long ago- oh wait it was! JK. After all the drama she actually healed up pretty quickly, especially when she had a social engagement coming up!! Love you Sammers!