Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Zoe is officially Five!!

Happy Birthday Zoe! I remember being 9 months pregnant (at least 9 mo.) in California (record breaking heat in the 90's that year) for Matt and Courtney's wedding. I was looking at my little family of just 3 kiddos and wondered how the new baby would fit in. I'll tell you how she fit in--she just stormed in moved the rest of us aside and life has been more interesting and fun since. Zoe was born just after Michael quit working for Clearwater supply and went to work for himself. Consequently she was my only baby who would really have anything to do with Michael. After I quit nursing her it became glaringly obvious that she actually much prefers her Daddy. For a couple of years now Michael is the only one who is allowed to give Zoe a kiss, and the only one who gets a kiss from Zoe. Grandma Louise and I have started making some progress on this front and as long as I don't look like I want attention from Zoe I usually get it! She will now condescend to kiss my on my SHOULDER, not lips, not cheek just my shoulder! Hey I'll take what I can get. Zoe is a bundle of contradictions--she is super brave or super shy, she is super outgoing or easily embarrassed, she is meaner than rats fighting for the last cheeto or she is telling you she loves you every 30 seconds for hours on end. I have a feeling that my whole life I will be discovering that just when I think I have her figured out -- I don't. But that's o.k. it's super fun to have a walking, talking mystery to solve. Happy 5th birthday baby girl.


Brenda said...

Okay, maybe Zoe has my personality? Happy Birthday Gorgeous!

Brooke said...

Wow... you're not messing around with all these cute girls having b-days the same month. Happy birthday Zoe. I can't believe how old they are getting. (you know what that means...:)

melanie said...

Could you really be raising 2 Brendas? Happy Birthday Zoe, you're adorable!! Her walking contradictions are hilarious. Kinda like 2 people in one, how fun.

Holly said...

Boy that whole blog was completely 100% accurate of Zoe! She is a tough one to figure out. Darling as can be and a sweetie...thats for sure! Happy Birthday Zoe!Hope you had a great day!

Becky Noftle said...

Brooke you aren't suggesting that I am aging are you? Melanie if I am only raising two Brenda's I'll be happy---but you see Jackson has been a little weepy lately....

Becky Noftle said...

Brooke you aren't suggesting that I am aging are you? Melanie if I am only raising two Brenda's I'll be happy---but you see Jackson has been a little weepy lately....

Brenda said...

I will not claim Jax! That comes from Uncle Matt crying when we watched family slide shows and called the monkeys Matt!