Thursday, February 21, 2008

Courtney Stinks

O.K. Courtney my former favorite Sister has "tagged" me with 8 questions I am suppossed to answer. First of all I know I don't HAVE to do this but it's either this or prepare for Sharing Time or clean house. FINE -- I'll do this.
1. What I was doing 10 years ago: Let's seen I wasn't prepubescent like Courtney, I was 27 I had two kids, Jackson (19months) and Samantha (10 days old) and I was working as the Special Ed. Coordinator for Garden Heights Elementary half time. My house was cleaner and my laundry loads (get it LOADS) easier. I had never heard of Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis X and didn't fully appreciate how grateful I should be for every healthy day my children had.
2. 5 Things on my to do list: Well the every day list is 1-make beds 2-get kids ready off to school or under my feet 3-unload dishwasher, then load breakfast dishes 4-move loads of laundry and start new load that I will probably leave in the washer until tomorrow morning 5-either clean, or teach preschool, or go grocery shopping depending on the day of the week. The 5 things I aspire to do before ANOTHER month passes (one week) 1-Finish the second coat of paint on Sierra and Zoe's door 2-Put together the new computer armoire I bought 3-clean out the closet in my room and the upstairs "coat" closet 4-Pick up winter mess in yard (the snowman hat and scarf are still laying where he melted 5-Deep clean preschool room
3. Snacks I enjoy: Weight Watchers Peanut Butter Bliss Bars and only healthy fruits and vegetables of course. I used to in my past life LOVE almond roca but I would never poison myself in that way again.(Brief pause while I ransack the house for any hidden almond roca pieces)
4. 3 Bad Habits of mine: 1-Finding any excuse not to fit excercise in my day 2- letting my mornings get away from me (To be fair I swear my mornings can run super fast-they are HARD to catch) 3-waiting to long to start the dinner ordeal.
5. If I suddenly became a Billionaire: I would sleep in and let the robot get the kids breakfast, then I would take my WHOLE family to Disneyworld (Well those who blog anyways!), then I would get someone else to paint Sierra and Zoe's flipping bedroom door.
6. PlacesI have lived: Moses Lake, Provo (with my parents in a trailer and apartment), Nampa & Melba Idaho, Kittitas, Harrington (with G&G Bishop for a while in an R.V. for a While then in our little rental house), Royal City, Provo AGAIN (5 different places spanning from 1989 to 1995 this time) Kennewick, Moses Lake (with Gpa Bishop and then in an apartment) Royal City AGAIN (rental house, house we bought, rental house) Boise Idaho, Royal City AGAIN (2 months with Mom & Dad) And in our current home on Hargraves Ave.
7. Jobs I have had: Babysitting, rouging wheat (don't do it it sucks), Waitressing, cleaning Callahan MFG. shop (similar to rouging wheat), cleaning houses, teaching school. Those are the jobs I was PAID for --- for the list of unpaid jobs don't hold your breath.
8. Things people don't know about me: I aspire to be a children's book author ( a good one so number 5 can happen!), I actually appreciate clean well organized homes I am just feeling that it is a little out of my reach. Lastly, people may not know that I am a crybaby--touching commercial, extreme home makeover, seeing a Mom kiss her baby makes me leak from my eyes but I try to hide it.
So now I tag......1. Holly, 2. Shannon, 3. Melanie, 4. Brenda, 5. Brooke go ahead and hate me if you must.


melanie said...

Seriously Becky this was the best thing to read right before bed. I was really wanting a snack but not needing it and reading this left me sidetracked from laughing so hard, thanks!

I blog, can I come on the vacation? I know I'm extended fam and all but really, I'll keep my distance.

I could comment on everything in this post but I'll limit it to...

-I'm pretty sure my marriage couldn't survive that many moves. Milo and I hate packing and get really grumpy. We've only done it 3 times. You must have a really strong marriage!

-You were never successful at keeping your leaky eyes hidden from me. You've cried with me many times (especially over Kat issues) and have always lent your love and support. I'll always be grateful!

The dinner ordeal.....I hate it!

Sorry for the novel!

Heather said...

I am going to Disneyworld with you-just try and stop me!

Holly said...

Seriously. your blogs make my day. Where did you get your sense of humor? Mom and Dad are just not that funny. I love them to death, but it's the truth! I guess if I want to go on vacation...badly needed... then I will keep blogging for now. After the vacation, I get a break... deal?

Brenda said...

If you take us all to Disney World, I assume I get a VERY deluxe hotel suite whilst the others share ordinary hotel rooms. I blog the most after all. And I fully support the children's book writing. I call dibs on being your manager. I get 10% right?

Becky Noftle said...

Love the novel, Melanie and you are the example of motherhood I always use in church whenever I have too. And, you don't have to keep your distance at Disneyworld , just keep Carter! Heather your cute boys will probably get you on the trip, your dang lucky I am a sucker for my own gene pool. Holly not only do they not have a sense of humor they are loosing it too. Dad came over yesterday to borrow a key to his house because he was locked out AGAIN. Problem was he never returned my key to his house when he got locked out last time! However when Mother got home she patiently showed him where his house key was---on his key ring AGAIN. Brenda 10% of nothing is --wait on math questions I always refer to Holly so I'll get back to you.

Becky Noftle said...

Oh great now Courtney has got me spelling Losing wrong too!

Shannon said...

I saw a funeral procession yesterday and thought - this would probably make Becky's eyes leaky.

Shannon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Granny DeeAnn said...

I'm waiting for a response to my blog! I really need to know if I'm the favorite aunt. You know when I retire I can go back to "styling" your hair. I'll give you a good deal!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just let me know. A D

Brenda said...

The no sugar thing is going okay, until you go to your bro-in-laws grand opening and someone gives them horchata.