Friday, August 29, 2008

Zoe's first day of Kindergarten

Here she is the big Kindergarten Girl before school started this morning. Zoe was so excited she literally could not hold still!
Here she is ten minutes after Kindergarten ended today! I wonder if I can sign Carter up for this?

Zoe and her buddy Miyah at the "MTC" part of Kindergarten. All the parents and kiddos meet in the Gym. The teachers come up and one by one they call up their class and walk away from us. Killer day on the Moms, Michael quite likes seeing all the ridiculous Mothers. He says its' like Nascar, no good unless there is a wreck, quite a few wrecks today! I did fine if your wondering.

The official stand by the Red Rock sign which is required for all my children.

On a side note this is what happens when I try to pretend I am a young, fun Mommy and I take Carter to the city park. I should just accept I am an old, slow Mommy who is only capable of starting movies safely. Lesson learned.


Louise said...

Hey, it's exhausting being the cutest out of 115 kindergartners. Hooray for 3 day weekends!

PS No, you can't sign Carter up for school. Red Rock isn't ready for him yet.

Louise said...

Oops, I guess I need to go back to kindergarden to learn how to spell kindergardners-is that even a word? It's been a long week...

Miller Family said...

I remember last year when Ty went to Kindergarten. At least another mom had warned me they call the kids up by their classes then all walk out. I was prepared and gave Ty many hugs and kisses before they called his name. He looked at me like, "What's the big deal mom? I will see you when I get home off the bus." Zoe looks like she is ready to take on Kindergarten. The all day thing is exhausting! Michelle

Heather said...

What in the heck happened to Carter? Poor kid!

Granny DeeAnn said...

Darling Zoe, but poor Carter! I don't know about you 'younger' mothers!!! J/K

melanie said...

Zoe is ZONKED! Hope it wears her out everyday for a while, what a great break, ha!

Poor Carter!

Holly said...

What happened to Carter? You never actually mentioned how he got injured. Glad Zoe is having fun in school...hopefully she won't always be this exhausted...maybe?

Brooke said...

Are you kidding me? It looks like his head is going to pop open. I have never seen anything so big. Way to go Mom!!! xoxo

Brenda said... to explain yourself abusive oldest sister? I love the "dead on her feet" (or "dead in the van") Zoe. Looks like me everyday at 5pm.

Shannon said...

ummm - ouch! My youngest doesn't know what a park is yet. Wonder how long I can keep it that way. I will learn from you and not try to be the young,fun Mommy again. Old, slow Mommies unite!