Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Happy half a birthday to you....

Today the firstborn in our home turned 13 and a half. What fun crazy thing did I do for him you ask, well..... I was going to have a balloon and his favorite candy delivered to the school ( I was going to eat half of the candy) since he never gets birthday deliveries at school with a July birthday and all. But, as it was preschool today I never made it to the store to accomplish afore mentioned task. Then I thought I might bake a cake and throw half of it away--but Jr. Miss was right away today instead of in the evening. Then all of a sudden I was back home with five kids, no man(business trip) and all Jax got was, "happy half a birthday son" from me. He replied with " oh, yeah, cool---can I quit wrestling?" I replied "I don't know, ask your Dad." It was a special time for us both!! I did however sneak in his room tonight and take a picture of "half" his face (I always wondered when bed head occurred--apparently early on in the sleeping process)! This will have to do for now. I resolve to do better at half birthday's for us all this year. Once a year just isn't enough times to have a fuss made about each one of them. I need to do more. Tonight the man comes back, the lone grownup in the house won't be so outnumbered and I am sure to get my groove back. And I want to say that silly or not -- you don't forget to feel grateful for the Half birthday's when at one time in life you weren't sure he would have any more birthdays at all. The blessing of cancer, you don't ever forget to feel gratitude for every milestone or in this case half a milestone!


Katie said...

Glad I'm not the only one celebrating each and every milestone! Makes us appreciate the things we often forget...cancer and heart defects, doesn't it!?! Looking forward to Maddie's 13 1/2 birthday someday!

Lisa said...

I celebrate Lexie's half-birthday's too. Justin thinks I'm dumb, I think I'm smart. I get to have some yummy treat too!

Worsham Family said...

Have a very very happy half birthday Jackson!!! We are happy you are 13 1/2 today, or I guess yesterday :)

Brenda said...

Happy half way to 27 Jax. Congrats on the return of your man Beck.

Holly said...

Seriously...I have to try and remember half Birthdays? It is good news that I remember whole Birthdays! You are a good Mom for even remembering and mentioning it! Hope you had a great day Jax...and no don't quit wrestling...I hear you are good!

Louise said...

Great post, and another 1/2 to think about Jax-the school year is officially 1/2 over!

Bonnie said...

Half a post to say I also wish Jac

melanie said...

Funny post Bec. I wish I saw you more, you make me smile.

This week I'm going to be without 'the man' so we'll see what gets done during all the chaos and alone time. I'm not setting my sights too high!