Monday, April 27, 2009

16 years 5 days 9 hours and counting

Happy Anniversary to us,
It's 16 years of trust,
We celebrated real weeelllll,
Excepting our minivan from He**.

We went to Red Mill Burgers and even though I am no longer an Oprah fan I agree that it is a burger you must eat before you die. My cousin just celebrated her wedding anniversary and went all fancy schmancy with sushi, but Michael and I will take a Red Mill burger over Schmancy any ole' day! Oh-- the onion rings were GOOD too.

We also did a session at the Seattle Temple. In my mind I pictured taking a self-portrait of us outside the Temple and putting it next to a scanned it picture of us in front of said Temple 16 years ago, thinner, younger, and less tested by life. But that involves figuring out how to scan and it's almost a week later sooooo I gave up. Also self portraits, much harder than I imagined must remember to ask afore mentioned sushi cousin how she does that. By the way not that any of you need to know this but Marriage really does just get better with time....
It's nice to celebrate these milestones with Michael, I feel bad for the rest of you!!

For the "piece de la resistance" THE VAN, (have I mentioned that I had an epiphany from my 'partner in van hating' friend this week---turns out it's all my fault--I never bonded with this van and it ain't lookin' likely) did something weird, it got weirder, it leaked all over the Target parking lot while Michael and I pondered the weirdness. Turns out the weirdness was the transmission went out on our 2005 unloved, unappreciated, unproduced anymore, van. By the way when I took the picture of Michael with the van hood up he said something to the effect of "NO blog crap right now Becky"! But that is the best thing about the blog, even the "bumps in the road" aren't so bumpy because they give you bloggability!! I also took a picture of the Rent-a-car we had to rent in order to get home from the glorious Anniversary. By the way it's true, Enterprise really does pick you up.


Holly said...

Happy Anniversary!! 16 years! That is quite an accomplishment! Oh man I hate new transmissions! I know...we just got one too! I hope Matt and Dad can help do it..or is it still under warranty? Good Luck with that! Love you guys!

Miller Family said...

Oh Becky, that van has been a nightmare for you! UGH! Happy Anniversary...Sadly, I have never heard of a Red Mill Burger. I gotta get out more.

Heather said...

Let's go to the burger joint next time we're in town. Sounds like a place I would like. Sorry about the van. Hope you can make peace with it, and it will cooperate with you until it's final days!

Shannon said...

I loved this post! I have to give Michael props for agreeing to the self portrait. And I can just hear him saying "no blog crap!" lol. That cracks me up. Brian got mad at me last winter for taking pictures of all the car wrecks we passed driving through a horrible storm in Idaho.

Happy Anniversary! I can't wait to see you all this summer!

ps I'm with you on the oprah thing - not a fan anymore.

Brenda said...

Although I've never been an Oprah fan (yes, I'm proud of that) I do appreciate a good burger. Thanks for the tip. And to H-E-*-* with American built mini-vans. Between you, Holly and myself, that's 3 transmissions baby! Something is seriously wrong with that! Happy Anniversary!

Heidi said...

You guys always keep it interesting! Broken down van before coming home from your awesome anniversary trip?!!... Bummer. We had to get a new transmission in our Honda Accord (Honda's are supposed to last forever!!!) It stinks.

We tried out Red Mill Burgers- I like Miners WAY better. Gayle needs to try that place out.

melanie said...

Oh Becky, you are so funny. I love when you blog. It makes my day.

For the record, I would rather have a Red Mill burger too. I just humored the man that lives here with some fish. Next time, he's taking me there. Sounds good!

Happy Anniversary! Sorry about the van drama.