Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Chemo round 5

Well if you haven't noticed, which you have because you've been asking, I haven't posted Jackson's last 3 blood counts. I decided to have a bad attitude for a few weeks and be really mad that Jax has ND CNS LCH. I decided to worry over things I had no control over, and fret constantly about his future. I got overly emotional and let myself be depressed over this trial--guess what didn't help at all!! So tomorrow I will catch up post all his blood counts. But 3 weeks ago his ANC was 9,240 which is extremely high he was probably coming down with something and his body amped things up to deal with the infection. Last week his ANC was 400 which is in the critically low range. And this week 1300 which is low, but high enough to get Chemo today so PHEW! Michael took him to Chemo this time. It is something he has wanted to do and the stars aligned work wise so that he could this time. After they drove away I cried my cry and got on with it. I've decided bad attitudes just aren't as fun as they might sound!


Louise said...

Sometimes a good cry is just what the doctor ordered, as long as you can then just "get on with it". I am grateful you are feeling a little better, you had us all worried for a while there, and I'm grateful for Michael- this will be a good thing for him, Jax and you. Relax and enjoy your little ones this next few days.

Heather said...

I'm sorry the past couple weeks have been rough. We love you so much, and are so amazed at how you are handling all of this. I hope you have a good weekend with the kids, and that you can get that beautiful smile back on your face. Hugs, kisses and prayers being sent your way :)

Shannon said...

It is okay to fret a bit! My heart aches to see you and your family go through this trial. You are one of the strongest women I know, but this would knock anyone to their knees. I am so glad you have family close by to buoy you up.

Do you think Michael and Jackson (Michael Jackson? Was that on purpose? lol!) will have time to make any mischief in Seattle? I hope so! You know, because they are "bad". (And The Whole World Has To Answer Right Now
Just To Tell You Once Again,
Who's Bad . . .)

Please make me stop.

I love you!!

Brenda said...

We like you too. And I'm grateful that Michael got to take a turn on the chemo train. You needed this break. Have fun this week and remember my motto: Food is love.

Miller Family said...

Oh Becky. I just read Katie's blog and now your blog and I am bawling. Reaching out to you to give you both big hugs. I know that won't take the pain away, but it does feel good to get lots of hugs!! I totally have the image in my head of Michael and Jackson driving off and my heart goes out to you!! You are constantly in our thoughts and prayers and I agree with your mom. Sometimes a good cry is just what is needed!!

Bonnie said...

I am hoping all goes well this week, Becky. For me it was better to be with my Jordan than to be alone in my too-quiet home. But then, I didn't have little ones at home who needed me, either. So, always do what works best for you, and no apologies are ever needed.
Hugs, - Bonnie

Granny DeeAnn said...

You can call me anytime you need to release...... 2am, 4am you know my husband doesn't care if I get calls then. The call will probably be amusing, cause I might be on Ambien. You know I love you and you are "one" of my favorite neices!!! Keep on keeping on.....

Heidi said...

I'm so sorry... life is so hard sometimes to deal with and I have episodes of feeling down too. A good cry is allowed. :) Hang in there.

We were at Children's today for Preston's hernia surgery. It is sad to see some kids there have to go through so much, poor kiddos.