Today started early with an Endocrinologist appointment at 8:00am, the driving adventure for this Chemo is an ongoing one, the main road to the hospital is 45th street, and a rather important portion of 45th street is closed until SEPTEMBER for repairs. The consequence of this is that everyone has to get to Campus and the Hospital on the same road--funsies NOT. The hospital sent out a friendly notice reminding everyone that you can only be assured of your appointment if you are there within 20 min. of your appointment time and due to roadwork they suggest you give yourself an extra HOUR! I just had to laugh. One more great thing about Royal City---traffic is not an issue! Jackson didn't have to be back for his Oncology appointments until 3:00 so we went back to the hotel to swim. The kids and I had the pool to ourselves for 2 hours and had fun. I discovered Jackson cannot float on his back or tread water very well---better watch that boy closer. Zoe is loving having big brother and Mommy all to herself and she repays us by telling us every thought in her head! She is currently very ticked off because when she requested we stop by i-Carly's apartment I told her i-Carly didn't really live in Seattle. So she has been going on all day about the lying people on TV, lying to KIDS!! The lying to KIDS part really gets her ramped up. We got the oil changed in the car (Aunt DeeAnn should be so proud) and went back to the hospital for Jackson's appointments at 3:00. The extra week seems to have done the trick because his ANC was 2,751 it hasn't been that high since before Chemo. His WBC was 5.2 also the highest it has been in a long while. RBC was4.57 HCT was 37.7 and PLT 334,000. Marnie Bergeson was kind enough to bring all the things we forgot at 4:30 in the morning on Tuesday so we are really back in business now!

I finally got batteries for my camera and when I downloaded the pictures I discovered a few Michael took at Football camp of Jackson and Carter and their buddies--looks like Carter might have enjoyed hanging with the big dogs!
Michael and Carter tagged along with the team when they went bowling one day after practices.

Carter looks pretty pleased to be with Jackson and his friends.

Jackson and Zoe working on their synchronized swimming routine, in the hotel pool.
Jackson and his "chemo" eyes, don't worry the drops will fix 'em right up.
1 comment:
fun for Zoe to have special time, glad all counts were up.
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