Monday, November 7, 2011

Michael is a Chair

This is a picture of the 2012 Chair for the Irrigation Certification Board.  Or is it the Irrigation Association Certification Board Chairman?  Maybe the Chair of the  Irrigation Association Certification Board.  Anyway, Michael is (pick one of the above) THAT this year.  What does that mean.  I don't really know but here are my best guesses:  more phone calls and decisions on certification appeals and disputes.  Deciding on the agenda for the summer and winter meetings of the Certification board.  Determining which "panels" certification board members are on.  Making sure the work of the Certification board moves forward.  More conference calls with the Irrigation Executive Board.  He also has to talk today, and next year at the Certification Luncheon.  Plus, correct me if I'm wrong dear, I think he is probably supposed to get fabulously wealthy this year and retire me from all housework and cooking duties.  That's about it as I see it!
In other news navy ships are big y'all. 
 Included in the "other news" section, some limousines aren't so very, shall we say....elegant.

 The chair of the Irrigation Association Certification Board, working the Nelson booth.


Louise said...

Congratulations on whatever that title is. I'm sure its an honor!

Louise said...

P.S. I'm crossing my fingers that your guess about the famously rich part comes true!!

Brenda said...

Sigh. Never take a picture in front of a window. There's too much back light. Instead turn around so that the light from the window actually hits his face...sheesh. But way to be a chair Mikey.