Friday, October 26, 2007


I know, I know how does one catch up on about 3 weeks of life? If I knew that my house would be clean, laundry done, children carefully, thoughtfully attended too and so on. Well let's see....tomorrow is Jackson's last football game, Sammi and Sierra's soccer season has officially ended. Sammi discovered a talent for soccer, Sierra not so much. I will include some pictures of Sierra a couple of them are blurry but that is because she is dancing. That is what Sierra did during her soccer games--it would crack Mom, Courtney and I up, and frustrate the heck out of Michael and Matt. I will also try to include a video clip of one of her games -- note the boy on the yellow team picks up the ball twice to get it in better position! Jackson just finished his first homecoming week in Middle School today they had a dance but he and his best buddy went home during that--not quite ready for the girls yet---THANK HEAVENS. Carter and Avery collided one night under Matt and Michaels care I might add (might and did) and Carter ended up with a black eye. At church people kept asking him what happened and he would truthfully say "Avery did it"! Courtney loved that. My peace and quiet has officially ended -- I know this because I can hear Carter yelling TOP it Zo, Top it now! (translated that means Zoe please desist from annoying me immediately) Stay tuned soon I may have time to blog about the Salmon run and the Trip to Boise--12 kids, two Grandmas, four mothers, and a partridge in a pear tree.


Courtney said...

Becky I love it! I wish you could have got the video of the maybe only time Sierra kicked or should I say tried to kick the ball and fell flat on her bootie! You guys all missed a fun season of soccer with Sierra! Oh and the eye thing.. I must explain... I had no idea this even happened so at church EVERYONE came up to me with some comment about how Avery gave Carter a black eye and I was so confused and started getting irritated because I was like no she didnt there were no fights last night that I heard of! Well then Becky had to tall me how it happened and it all made sense, Avery did give cater a black eye, just not with her fist. Pretty funny though! Sorry this is soooo long, should I keep going! :)

Heather said...

Poor Carter! He always seems to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. (Like when Zoe and Avery decided to drive the golf cart, and he was standing in front of it!) Sierra is darling, and at least she is enjoying herself out there! Waste your money on something else for her next time- right? Glad your back!

Brooke said...

Glad you're back! It's about time!

Brenda said...

Well missy. It's about time! I don't want to hear excuses, I have 5 kids, they all do sports, my husband has 1000 commitments, I have 1 billion commitments. Your commitment should be to blogging and blogging only. Sheesh! Love that Sierra loves the dance. Running around is sooo overrated. I'm so glad you feel good about Jax wanting to spend time with one boy vs. any girl (totally kidding)! I can almost hear Carter now...he's pleading for his life...Zoe's not'd better get in there!

Holly said...

Love the soccer clip! Apparently these kids need Uncle Brett to come show them how to really play soccer? Has no one taught them you can't use your hands in this game? That is, unless the ball is not in the right place! I thought Tysons team was bad! Sierra looks like she is having a blast though...and sopposedly thats what matters. Remind Matt and Michael of this, would you?