Tuesday, April 22, 2008

15 years 6 hours and 12 minutes and counting

That's right it has been 15 years, 6 hours, and 12 minutes since Michael and I sealed our fate. (get it sealed!!) In honor of this momentous occassion I have posted a current picture of us so you can see how life has treated us through the years. I have to say there have been highs and lows. Top ten highs, in no particular order ......

1. Michael proposing to me at the Utah State Mental Hospital

2. Our first trip as a married couple to see his family in Florida--Disneyworld love it!!

3. Jackson Matthew

4. Samantha Reine

5. Sierra Joli

6. Zoe Ciel

7. Carter Michael

8. Watching Michael bless our children, illness, start of school, hard times, anytime love blessings

9. The appointment in Seattle when they officially told us Jackson is in remission

10. Irrigation Association trips -2005 we saw Boren's in AZ -2006 we saw Scuzin & Brian in TX -2007 we saw Brenda and Fam in SanDiego Fun, wet, but fun

Top ten lows, in no particular order.....

1. Grandma Bishop's Death

2. Grandpa Andersen's Death and almost being late to the funeral because of road work

3. Wal*Mart--we thought it was a high but 115 hours a work week later we discovered a low

4. Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis X and a sweet, blonde, innocent 4 year old son

5. Talking to Matt on his Mission about #4 Michael and I could hardly talk we felt like we had not taken good care of Matt's pride and Joy....Matt forgave us!

6. Grandpa Bishop's death, lost a good Price is Right buddy and Grandpa that time

7. Sierra Joli sick, sick, sick for 11 days followed by 3 long days in the hospital in Boise, she didn't move for many of those days, poor little girlie

8. December 2006 when the oncologist in Spokane saw "hot spots" on Jackson's routine bone scan, and all the weeks following till he was cleared Jan. 12, 2007 with a clean bill of health

9. Rolling the car on Michael's 30th birthday with 3 month old Sierra along for the wild ride, this was the same day that Dad had surgery and Holly had an emergency C-section with Tyson

10. PUPPS--aka Pulpual Plaques of Pregnancy something, something, basically the entire pregnancy with Carter

Whew.....actually the lows had some good outcomes so they are not so low after all. Thanks Michael for coming with me on this ride. Many, many times I couldn't have done it without you, and at all times I wouldn't want too. Not many people appreciate how funny we really are, have you noticed that too?! I love you xoxoxo


Darin and Angie Smith said...

Congratulations you love birds!!
This post was wonderful, you made me laugh and cry in the same five minutes. I hope your next 15 are as richly blessed as the last. (Michael - just for reference..1st year is paper, 15th is the spa vacation, 25th is silver, 50th is golden!)

Becky Noftle said...

Angie, Michael must need new glasses you told him spa vacation and he heard Dinner at La Cabana and put gas in the van at Spuds!

Holly said...

Happy Anniversary!! Thank heavens none of those lows had lasting effects...except of course the scars from pupps!! Hope you have many, many more highs, and very few more lows!!

Holly said...

Oh yeah...I LOVE your background change. It looks awesome. It's kind of a pain to do...or for Heather to do I mean! (she did mine)

Courtney said...

Love the blog but I think you forgot one of you highs...when I entered the family! Helllloooo...

Shannon said...

I wonder what Grandpa would think of Drew Carey on The Price is Right?

I love that picture. I was so excited to get it in the mail - and so sad at the same time that I couldn't be there for your wedding. I did celebrate on your wedding day - it was my half-way mark on the mission. I think I burned a dress or something.

And then I FINALLY got to meet Michael. Whether he likes it or not - I like him! lol. And may I say that I do appreciate your wacky sense of humor. Happy Anniversary guys.

Brenda said...

Happy 15 years of bliss. You forgot to mention that not only were you almost late for G-pas funeral but your sister went in to labor 6 weeks early. I was glad to see that your mother breaking her neck wasn't on your low list. You mentioned that I loved the camera on your wedding video, but did the camera love me back? I can just hear Michael's comments while you were watching it:)

Brenda said...

P.S. love the new template!

Louise said...

Congrats- I'm so grateful you two are still going strong. In my opinion, those five kids are a definite high (most of the time). Oh, probably moving back to Royal City should be on your high list too!! Love, Mom

Granny DeeAnn said...

You're just as beautiful today as you were 15 years ago. Ok, Michael is just as handsome too. You are both great parents cause your kids show it. May you have many, many, many, 15 more years together!!! Your sense of humor is a clasic and I'm sure it has gotten you both through many heartache and tears. Keep laughing!! I love you both! Auntie D.

Brooke said...

WOW!! Fifteen years? You two haven't changed a bit. Happy Anniversary. Love ya both. xoxo

melanie said...

Dang I hate when I thought I already commented.

Anyway Happy Late Anniversary. I'm sure this doesn't surprise you, I'm late for everything!

Your list is so great. No doubt your humor has gotten you through. You always make me laugh, I love it!

Unknown said...

Love the post...Happy 15 years!
...when I find myself getting ornery, I have to remind myself to be like Becky...find the humor in it all :)