Monday, April 28, 2008

What is a 100 pounds?

One hundred pounds is a bail of hay.

One hundred pounds is my sister Holly.

One hundred pounds is 12 gallons of milk.

One hundred pounds is 4 big 25 lb. bags of flour.

One hundred pounds is about 8 bowling balls--10 if you pick the ones I pick.

One hundred pounds lighter is my Dad!!!

Way to go Dad we are very proud of you! Zoe wants to know where the 100 pounds of money went. (She might be a little confused about the whole thing)
(I would have taken pictures at his big PARTAAYY tonight but Courtney took the sim card to my camera and won't give it back.
She is always picking on me like that---I'm seriously considering telling on her.)


Brenda said...

I'm seriously considering selling Carso...the dogs to pay for a trip to Mexicali. Way to be skinny Dad.

Shannon said...

Wow - congratulations!

Louise said...

And a big THANKS to the Noftles for letting us invade their home for the party with more senior citizens present than we care to count! It was great. Mom

melanie said...

He's looking like my old Uncle Kent again. Wait, not old as in years. Old as in back in the day. Congrats!!

Darin and Angie Smith said...

I am so proud of you Kent!!
I saw Kent last week and commented how this was the best thing he had done....with a smile he reminded me the best thing he has ever done was marry Louise!

Granny DeeAnn said...

I have to agree with Kent!! Louise is the best! Way to go Kent. You know I'm supporting your efforts!! I know it's not as easy as it looks!