Friday, April 18, 2008

Science, Teeth, and Biker Dudes

It seems like forever since I blogged last. I can only claim the lame "busy" excuse. With what you may ask??who knows I may answer. I know Sierra finally lost a tooth that has been hurting her, Sammi had her 5th grade science fair and pumped me up, and Carter got pink eye which caused one day of preschool to be canceled last week, which meant there were 3 days of preschool this week. AND a Family math night at the middle school, AND Stake Primary Leadership meeting the same night as Michael was headed out to a Booster Club meeting---Mom got the 3 youngest, Jenks got to take Sammi to the BYU Orchestra performing in Moses Lake, and Jackson got to babysit for Patti so she could go to Stake Leadership and her husband could go to Booster's. There was also piano lessons, WASL testing, Weight Watchers meeting (that one was a waste of time!), hair cuts, babysitting for friends, and a trip to Wal*Mart with the whole famdamily one night. I think I know why I haven't blogged--there is time but nothing I have done lately is anything I particularly want to remember! Not that life is bad, just busy and mundane I guess. Carter is about the only one who is willing to venture outside in our wild and very windy weather. He LOVES his four wheeler so much. But it is cold so he has to wear his coat, fireman costume and an oversized motorcycle helmet (that is probably more for the cool factor than warmth actually) in order to brave the elements!


Brenda said...

Congrats Rerra. Sammi, nice posters, I want to hear all about it. Carter, you're...unique.

Louise said...

I never said Motherhood was for the lazy or weak of heart! Hang in there, someday soon you'll wonder how they grew up so fast. Try to enjoy the moment, if you can find one! Mom

Holly said...

Well said Mother. Enjoy the moment if you can find one!! ha ha! So what got you pumping Sami? Carter looks so.....Carterish, and Sierra you are still WAY ahead of Tyson in the tooth losing department. You sound even more busy than me Becky. Sorry about this week better?

Shannon said...

I love that Carter kid!

Please tell Michael you need a vacation asap. All he needs to do it arrange a babysitter, take over primary for the week, teach preschool, cook the meals, clean, and run the kids to and fro, etc, etc. And buy you a plane ticket to AZ so we can play. Is that asking too much?

melanie said...

I just love Carter and his randomness. It's hilarious.

Push Micheal for that AZ vacation with Shannon. You more than deserve it, :)

Becky Noftle said...

Michael are you reading this??? What a great idea these ladies are having.