Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Grandma Andersen's Extreme Home Makeover

Does anybody know how to control where the pictures land on my blog. Everything comes out so random. If I didn't know better I'd say it's operator error but since there really isn't anyone operating must not be. Here we finally are at the service project of the century. At least thats what Michael calls it. I guess it'll be about 100 years from now before I will get any more service out of him. You can see Carter and Kate hard at work. Sierra found baby Preston very diverting and the rest of the pictures are fairly self-explanatory. Now that preschool is almost over I am setting myself a goal to try and get out there and paint once a week. I think if I go twice I will catch up with the siding and be off the hook for a while!


Heidi said...

I think we need to have an "Extreme Home Makeover of the Century Part II" just to get more done! It's quite the project. But it will look fabulous once it's done.

Shannon said...

Can't wait to see the after picture. Why don't you call up Ty (Pennington - not Detmer, silly girl!) and get some help?

melanie said...

Kyle says he hopes we're all blogging in 5 years when the project is finished, ha! It wasn't all bad though, hanging out was actually fun!

I'm not ignoring the photo question, I just have no idea. When you upload pics, choose sm, med, lrg and then off to the side choose if you want them centered or not. Maybe that will help.

Granny DeeAnn said...

I think we all need to get together and have a blogging class for dummies. I will be at the top of the list. I just tried to find out how to add music and now I have a couple of bald spots. That was the last thing that I needed!! Anyone up for teaching Blogging 101?

Becky Noftle said...

Ahhh Detmer--those were awesome day dreams!
Blogging 89 is what I need I'm not even ready for 101!

Brenda said...

Have I said how wonderful you all are? The house looks great. The blue trim adds a nice touch;) That's a wink and a smile if you hadn't figured that out.

Holly said...

Wow...the kids look like they are working way harder than the adults! Carter has his shoes of as usual. Love him!