Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Lately we have been...

Graduating from Preschool (I was directing, I don't know which family member had my camera, but there is ONE photo, and it is blurry---Grrrrr!)
Working long hours on "passion projects" which, in Jackson's case, was not something he was passionate about.  Oh, and his partner managed to get himself suspended from school, while Jax was in Florida, so he came home to a lot of undone passion!

Going on First grade field trips to the Aquatic Center in Moses Lake, cold water, barely warmish weather=smiley first graders??  From left to right; Keyara, McKayla, Zoe, and Gracee.

If the eighth graders have to be passionate about something, the seventh graders have to plan a Mission to Mars.  It seems only fair.  Sammi's group did excellent, out of the entire seventh grade only the top four groups presented a second time in front of everyone and her group was in the top four.  Here they are working on their project at our kitchen table which; with passions and missions, has been more of a work/lab table than anyplace to eat.
Sammi with a couple of friends, Kaylee and Bailey, on Mission to Mars presentation day.

Life has felt chaotic as of late.  Last week was Red Rock Olympics for Sierra and Zoe, Rocket day for Jackson (he built two, neither flew---hey I'm a poet don't you know it) and Mission to Mars day for Sammi.  I was at the school from 8am to 2:30pm on Friday, I felt like I should have been in my cheer leading suit, "Yeah Zoe,keep running--no one noticed you came in dead last", "Wohoo Jax-sorry your big rocket you spent $30.00 for got stepped on--you may have noticed Mr. NDCNSLCH life ain't fair", "good job Sierra, a Noftle/Andersen who ribboned in the 75 yd. dash that's AMAZING", " Nice One Sammi--I loved spending all that time hearing 7th graders describe how they most likely couldn't actually live on Mars", etc.... Then Saturday brought us having 50 (you read the number right) people over for dinner, which sounds like torture but really wasn't.  It was a sneaky way to make Michael get some yard work done.  Sharing time on Sunday, last day of school  Monday with Sammi having 15 kids over for hamburgers and hot dogs, then a party that night at Matt and Courtneys.  Today(Tuesday I think) we got Jax off to football camp and then Courtney and I went to Tri-Cities and shopped for our upcoming Primary Activity which is upcoming this Saturday(Yikes).and Costco for ourselves, we completely filled Mom's Tahoe (I blame the 3 bar stools Courtney bought) poor Aftyn was a pair of eyes sticking out amongst the stuff.  We got home in time to unload just enough to get freezer stuff in the freezer then we went to Zoe and Avery's little league games, they played against each other tonight, but don't tell them, I doubt they knew they were in competition.  After the games Sammi went to a friends, and Zoe and Sierra had friends over for a sleepover.  In the morning Zoe and Sierra have dentist appointments in Moses Lake, and Zoe has a "summer" party we are hosting at the baby pools at 2pm.  Thursday, Michael and Carter are going to Spokane to watch the last couple of days of Football camp, and Sammi is having her friends sleepover (just 7 or 8 she says nonchalantly) and Zoe has another game which we bring snacks too.  Friday brings Sierra's "summer" party from 11 to 2 at Allreds pond, I am serving lunch and praying not to be a lifeguard.  Then Saturday brings the "fear factor" primary activity.  Sunday, Michael flies to Louisiana and I have sharing time, and then a nervous breakdown is scheduled for that evening.  So if you want to see a crazy lady you know where to find her---the green house on the right!


Shannon said...

Holy Smokes lady! Thanks for helping me with my sp.ed. interview in the midst of all your chaos. We will have to chat in July... I am contemplating a change to sped.

In the meantime, I hope your scheduled nervous breakdown includes ice-cream!

Brenda said...

Holy (insert an "S" word that isn't "smokes")!!! You are too kind to host so many parties. But it begs the question...why do you hate yourself so?

Heather said...

Becky- you are an amazing mother and equally awesome friend, primary president and sister :) Our family (and most definately yours) would fall apart if you went to say mars or somewhere for even one day! We love you and can't wait to see you next month!

Miller Family said...

Hang in there! It sounds like your chaos may come to an end soon, for at least a day. Then it starts all over. Our week has been crazy with non-stop baling. So you can find me in the tractor going 1.8 miles an hour every afternoon this week. Hee Hee. Maybe we can have a breakdown together which would definitely have to include ICE CREAM!

Holly said...

Good grief Becky! I am exhausted just reading your post. The last 2 weeks of school is ALWAYS like that. I think the teachers just want to get us seriously ready for school to be out. Mission accomplished! Hang in there....the lazy days of summer vacation are coming soon...right?

Louise said...

Yikes, I guess I could ask you if you need any help, but I'm afraid you'd say "Yes"! JK- I'll come to the pool today after work with chips for the kids and a large Diet Coke for you, how's that?
P.S. You ARE an awesome Mom and I think your kids even realize that!

Granny DeeAnn said...

OK I've started hyperventilate! I have faith in you Becky. However I'll just stand back and watch you push right through. Save 5 minutes for me when I come in July!! After your crazy Andersen Family Reunion!!! lol (p.s. I agree with your mom..... you are awesome.)

Jason Stewart Family said...

Hold the phone...where is the pictures of Jackson -- 8th grade grad????...I have to say I love that kid!!!! I got the biggest hug from him and I am so bummed I won't see him in the hall everyday next year...I won't be able to keep an eye on my little buddy! I guess I am going to have to walk over to the high school.

melanie said...

You are awesome Becky, I want to be like you when I grow up! Way to go on winning the 75 yd dash in the mom race, you rock.

Brooke said...

Holy cow... You truly are amazing, we think about you ALL often and want you to know that you are in our prayers! Xoxo

Katie said...

Wow! You seemed so cool, calm and collected when we saw you at the pond. Who knew that you were already more than 1/2 way through all of this? You were smiling, energetic. I would have been in the fetal position somewhere crying. You are an inspiration.

Sammi said...

FYI Me and my team (Payten Stakkeland, Teddy Mead, Robin Grant and ME!), Took second out my whole grade by 1!! point!! my teams score was 94 and the #1 teams was 95! Bummer I know!! but hey, we still kicked some butt!:) P.S. this is Sammi!