Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Blood Counts for Round 1

White Blood Count (WBC)                  4.3****normal range 4.5-11.0
Red Blood Count (RBC)                    4.92****normal range 4.5-5.9
Hematacrit (HCT)                             41.9****normal range 41.0-53.0
Platelet Count                                              327****normal range 150-400
Abosolute Neutrophils Count (ANC)     2.0****normal range 1.8-7.8

Jackson's counts ---drawn on 3/13/12  Not too shabby, only one count in the RED zone and it is just barely in.  I should mention the Doctors did mention counts take a hit usually 7-10 days after chemo.  Holding my breath, he has another draw on Friday then just every Wed. until next Chemo.


Brenda said...

You must have an anc typo sister. In my math class 2.0 didn't fall within the range of 38-70. I've already talked to you and I know that his range was normal...I just can't remember what it was.

Louise said...

What you told me was ANC normal range is 1.8-7.8, which makes more sense. I'm holding my breath for the blood draw tomorrow too. We could be holding our breath a lot the next 12 months!

Bonnie said...

Now now, just try to breathe normally. The docs know what to expect as far as when the counts will drop and when they should rebound. Let's rejoice with the rebounds! Love y'all.