Monday, September 24, 2007

SuperBrenda to the rescue

Brenda called tonight to figuratively hold my hand and teach me how to put pictures on my blog. Since my house is messy and I have 18 preschoolers coming over tomorrow; I have decided to spend my evening doing this. I am great at what I call "Scarlett O'Hara-ing". For those of you out there who may not have read the book 2 dozen times, Scarlett says more than once in "Gone with the Wind" , "I won't think about that now, I'll think about that tomorrow". To bad I don't have and 18 inch waist like her. Well here goes nothing---I will now attempt the triple sowcow (in blog world that means try to post a picture). Hope it worked. Don't know how to check without signing if there is no picture we will all know that Brennie is trying to sabatoge my life. If it does work then I will finally know the reason for little sisters!! JK!(Mom--JK means Just Kidding--I'll try to make my blog elderly accessable)


melanie said...

Uh since I started blogging, I can't count how many moments I have had channeling Scarlett and her philosophy. In my opinion, it's a great one!

Shannon said...

I love it when you say "triple sowcow"!