Saturday, February 21, 2009

tagged again.....

O.K. here we go---this time for Kylie and Angie, they used to be a beloved niece and friend, now we'll see...

8 favorite t.v. shows...
  1. The Office
  2. Regis and Kelly
  3. Friends
  4. Scrubs
  5. Jon & Kate Plus 8
  6. Grey's Anatomy
  7. Extreme Home Makeover
  8. Paula Deen cooking love her accent

8 things I look forward too...

  1. My house staying clean
  2. My first million dollars in the savings account
  3. My kids sleeping through the night (obviously these are not in order of importance because this is #1 in importance)
  4. Seeing my scuzin this summer, she rocks
  5. Summer break and a more relaxed schedule
  6. San Antonio in 2009
  7. Taking the Kids to Orlando
  8. Getting all the life used up on the Saturn mini-van so we can move on to our next vehicular mistake

8 things I did Yesterday...

  1. Got four kids off to school
  2. Got Carter and i ready and out the door by 8 am
  3. Doctor appointment in Wenatchee
  4. Shopping at Target
  5. Buying yummy bread at Great Harvest
  6. Shopping and lunch with Courtney at Costco
  7. Laundry
  8. Read some more of "Emma" (I'm a little consumed with the complete novels of Jane Austen right now)

8 years ago I....

  1. I was only 30 and thought I was so old
  2. I had three kiddos a 5 year old, 4 year old and 5 month old and all were at home (well duh I meant they weren't in school yet)
  3. I taught preschool at my house on Daisy Street
  4. I was Young Womans' President
  5. I was enjoying Jackson's first 5 months of remission!
  6. I was shopping for or had just bought a mini-van to replace the one Michael rolled with Sierra and I in it!
  7. My Grandpa Bishop had just died a few weeks earlier
  8. Probably did loads of laundry

8 things on my wish list...

  1. Michael's income does not decrease with the economy
  2. Jackson stays in remission perm.
  3. My children continue in health
  4. My house magically sprouts curtains and baseboards
  5. My desire to exercise increases (or starts)
  6. A chef picks my family to work and slave for to the end of time
  7. My sister gets to quit her job sooner rather than later
  8. Michael will want to go to London with me --oh and New York too (I'll go without him, but it would be nicer with him)

8 favorite restaurants...

  1. Chang Changs---oh where did you go you best of all Chinese food?
  2. La Cabana
  3. Cafe Rio
  4. Red Robin
  5. Costco Hot Dogs!
  6. The Salt Lick ---thank you scuzin and scuzin husband
  7. Red Lobster
  8. Bennets

Done done done done done done done done


Worsham Family said...

Thanks for going to Great Harvest yesterday, the Worsham's officially love the bread you brought us!!!! and ! Also, if you need a traveling partner and official souvenier photo taker I would go to London and New York with you. I don't know if I will ever get Sam to either of those places. Love Shelli

Becky Noftle said...

Cool a traveling partner that eats carbs!

melanie said...

Great Harvest in TriCities? Something this carb lover did not need to know.

I love the random posts. I'll take photos in London, New York and Paris. Take me too!

Katelyn Michael said...

BECKY! I am reading Emma right now too! Remember how eight years ago you were MY YW President? Sierra was such a cute little baby. I remember when you brought her to Girls Camp. This is when i used to baby sit for you when you lived downtown. GOOD TIMES

Shannon said...

Am I the scuzin you are seeing this summer? I can't wait!!!

I like the Costco churros.

Can't you and Michael stop off in London when he takes you to France?? eh?

I want to take my kids and live in NYC one summer - doesn't that sounds fun? I can always dream...

Shannon said...

ps I am cracking up that you used to live "downtown." (above post) And you call me the city girl? I only live in the suburbs.

Brenda said...

I miss the egg foo yung. Now I'm sad. Let's plan a sister/mother trip to London. Grandma did it, why can't we?