Monday, November 16, 2009

New Scores....

Before she cries plagerism--I admit Brenda's comment on the last blog inspired the title of this one! His ANC is 800, so bye, bye, buddy get back in school. I am wondering if the next 28 days will have counts below 500 that keep him at home. I say that because before he always had worked his ANC back up to the 2000 range when it was time for Chemo again---don't think he'll get that high by Wednesday though. I guess time will tell---it usually does. Thanks for the prayers.


Brenda said...

Go team ANC Go! The boys never miss Jax in their prayers. You're in good hands, they have a lot of faith.

Brenda said...

BTW Plagerism is the greatest form of flattery.

Granny DeeAnn said...

Counts up Jax! That's an order from the Queen! XOXO

Shannon said...

Go Jackson!!