Saturday, December 19, 2009

Round 4 Days 3 & 4

this is Jackson, we couldn't get my Mom's laptop to get online yesterday, so today we are posting from the Ronald McDonald House Computer. Thanks for praying for me and I feel great, except for the beds here! Thanks-Jackson

Well there you go-the boys first post, painful for him. Yesterday went fine, we were at the hospital for almost 3 hours because they were so busy and backed up. Then after Jackson got his Chemo infusion going they had an emergency in the infusion area with one of the patients. When that happens all the nurses are required to go help and his Chemo had been done for 45 minutes before someone was able to flush and lock his line so we could leave. I'm not complaining--I certainly would want everyone to run if my child went emergent. When we got back to the RMH yesterday Jackson slept from 4pm to 10:00 pm. He was awake for an hour and a half before going back to sleep for the night. I couldn't get him to eat dinner yesterday but his appetite seems fine today. The hospital on the weekends is so quiet and the waiting time is zero, so we were in and out of there quick today. We plan on spending the day here and on going to "Candy Cane" lane tonight, apparently a neighborhood famous for their lights. You can't even buy a house in the neighborhood unless you agree to the homeover covenants of decorating for this every year! Maybe we will keep our wits about us and get some good pictures, that will have to wait to be posted!! Thank you for the dinners for Michael and the kids and the help with childcare. We are excited to finally be home tomorrow!!


Louise said...

We're excited for you to be home too! Wish I could see the "Candy Lane", sounds like something I would love. I liked your post Jackson, does this mean we can look forward to hearing from you every month??

Brenda said...

Good to hear from your man of many words. We have a "Candy Cane" type of lane here too, and it never disappoints. Drive safe today and we'll see you on Saturday...less than a week!!!!!!

Heidi said...

Hope you are home when you read this. Sounds like a crazy week. I hope you found the lights and Jackson didn't sleep through Candy Cane Lane! We played tag with Jill and Craig all the way home. Just rain and fog on the pass. Have a Merry Christmas and we'll see you soon. Love, AD

Heather said...

We are so happy one more trip down. Glad you made it home safe and sound. Love you all and can't wait to see you this weekend. Hugs and kisses!

Granny DeeAnn said...

OK...... Just so you know I made the post (Granny Dee Ann) and not Heidi....... We were sharing the MacBook Air! lol Still love you.......... AD