Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Waiting game

Tonight we are playing the waiting game, at the Ronald McDonald house. We finally get into the RMH and then we may have to turn right around tomorrow and go home----I hope not. Jackson and I braved the horrid winter mountain pass to make it to his Chemo appointment today only to be thwarted by a low ANC count. His ANC today was 630, it has to be 750 in order for him to get his Chemo treatment. The Doctors wanted to send us home till Monday, so Jax and I turned on the tears and they are kindly letting us take labs again tomorrow with the hopes that his ANC will be high enough to start----PLEASE pray that they are high enough to start. We really don't want to brave the roads again tomorrow, and then turn around Monday to come back here, and then not get home till Christmas Eve, yuck. I want to be with my kiddos during their Christmas break, not with the Mariners Moose (he came to the RMH today). Oh and a prayer for my pessimistic, negative, woe is us attitude wouldn't hurt either.


Granny DeeAnn said...

Becky and Jackson,
Here's my prayer....... ANC count 1005!!!
I am flying to WA tomorrow and this email about the winter roads got me hypervent a lating!!!! Love both of you and can't wait to see everyone. Love, AD

Beverley said...

praying, praying and more praying hoping all changes over night. love you so much.

Shannon said...

I hope today is a better day! love you!

Heather said...

Wes said family prayer last night- he said: "Bless Jacksons blood to be higher". I love that they know what to pray for, but have no idea what it means. Pretty cute. We will call you later and see how you're doing. Lots of hugs and kisses your way :)

Holly said...

We are praying so hard right now for Jackson's anc count and for your whole family in general. I wish I could take some of the burden for you. We love you so much! Hang in there!

Katie said...

Hoping today is much better and his ANC is up! So glad you got into the RMH :) Hopefully it's house A. Hang in there and let us know if we can help you out over here!!!

melanie said...

Oh mom!! I don't freak about the roads until I have my mom as a passenger. Be very, very glad you don't have to drive her over that mountain pass!!

I'm praying his counts are higher today. And even though you get to have a pessimistic, woe is us attitude sometimes, I'm praying for your sake you feel better today as well. Love you tons Beck!

Brenda said...

Prayer works. Aunt Dee Ann's guess was pretty dang close! Way to go Jax on raising that level to over 900. Could you please stop making this so dramatic though? And Beck, we pray everyday that you'll be comforted, so comforted. I'm sure it's that easy, right? We'll see you next week! Hang in there tough guys!

Louise said...

All is took for you to feel better was an ANC count over 750, right? I could hear it in your voice. See you Sunday- dinner will be on the table. Ask Jax what he wants to eat. As Grandpa A. used to love to say; "And this to shall pass"

P.S. Melanie is so right.The only thing worse than having to drive over the pass is to have DeeAnn as a passenger