Thursday, May 6, 2010

Chemo round 9 day 2

Jaxo noto feelo soo hotso todayo.  No worries though, he is being his usual amazing self, and just powering through.  I love seeing the way he can dig deep when needed.  Someday he will be married to a crazy postpartum woman and need this skill!  I took this picture of him last night with his two gallon size Ziploc's of medicines.  Grandpa Fred thinks we are amazing that we can keep track of it all, I just let him think that.  In reality though all of them have instructions written right on them! 
While he slept this afternoon I went adventuring.  Actually,  I just went to return some things to Costco and Walmart but it ended up feeling like an adventure.  I programmed trusty Lola (our GPS garmin thingy) to take me to Costco (the very first Costco, store number 01---exciting I know). Lola said it was 5.6 miles and would take 17 minutes, give or take an HOUR apparently!  There was something going on down towards the docks (I sound shady when I say I was down at the docks)today, and everywhere Lola wanted me to turn was blocked off by cones and cops.  So poor Lola was "recalculating" until she was hoarse.  I did see THOUSANDS (and I am not exaggerating like usual) of containers, You know those big ones off of trains and semi's.  They were being loaded by these huge orange thingys (I think that's the technical term) onto even HUGER ships.   I actually could have sat and watched that for a while but driving kept me pretty distracted so I couldn't really enjoy it!  When I finally finished those 2 errands  a whopping 3 hours had passed.  I woke Jackson up and forced him to eat, it was 3 pm and he hadn't eaten yet today.  He felt better so we went to the Burke Museum then to good ole McDonald's for dinner.  We are now tucked back into our hotel room and I am seriously considering a pedicure during "nap time" tomorrow!  Have a good night everyone.
This is how Jax spends his "wait" time at the hospital!


melanie said...

Yes! A pedicure is definitely in order for nap time tomorrow. Wish I could join you.

I love your posts. And you, you really are amazing. As is Jackson.

Tonight we said family prayer and right after I said amen, Dane looked up at me and said, 'you forgot to pray for Jackson' (forgive me Jax) so we closed our eyes and said another prayer. So just remember, Dane's got your back!

Beverley said...

He is a trooper, I wish I was there again, I had a great time when I went with you even tho it was a medical trip it was still fun just spending time with you and Jax. thanks for letting me tag along, maybe I can come this summer and do it again.

Katie said...

I am glad you are learning all the routes to the important stores. I am planning to go along with you once we get up there.
Jackson looks good in the picture. Too bad he isn't feeling well. How do you keep all of those medicines straight?
You are amazing. Enjoy that pedicure. Your toes will look so cute in sandals on your trip.

Louise said...

Remember when Jackson was the baby/toddler that NEVER, NEVER, NEVER took a nap? (Or slept at night for that matter) Well, apparently all that lack of sleep has FINALLY caught up with him. Enjoy it Becky, you deserve it!!

P.S. Sorry you don't feel so great Jax, you DON'T deserve that! Keep your head up buddy. We love you tons!

Holly said...

I HATE hearing you don't feel well Jax. That makes my heart hurt. Hang in there buddy...this will all be a distant memory soon. You have a FUN, FUN, FUN, week ahead of sleep now and get your energy ready to go! Love you!

Granny DeeAnn said...

Chin up Jax! I know you can do it! Becky a hot pink would spiff your toes up for Florida! Can't wait for those posts!!! Hurry and get feeling Jackson! Get ready for the time of your life!!! luv, AD

Heather said...

Hang in there buddy! We are praying for you to feel better for your big trip. Sleep, sleep, sleep- next week will have no time for naps!!

Brenda said...

Are you going to put a flower on your toe? I think you should. And then google Anjelah Johnson Nail Salon on youtube.