Thursday, August 12, 2010

Chemo round 12 day 2

Enjoy the pictures knowing your not drunk but that my camera is struggling--at least the cars all work! (knock on wood please)

This morning Sierra and I went to Target and wrapped up her school clothes shopping while Jackson rested at the hotel.  Then we drove the looooong way to chemo, 45th street still under construction, and per Sierra's request we ate lunch at the hospital cafeteria which Jax barely tolerates.  He is so over the cafeteria in the hospital, but the other kids think it is so fun to carry their trays around picking and choosing from the plethera of options.  We went back to our room for a few minutes then headed to Bainbridge Island (Poulsbo) to see my friend Julia who just moved there with her family.  We were supposed to catch the 4:45ferry over to the Island and we were there at 4:15 but the ferry filled up before we got even close.  So we cooled our heals and read until the 5:30 ferry (which meant 5:50 in real time!!  Ferrys' don't tell time very well) actually Jax and I read ,Sierra bounced.  It felt like Tigger was in the back seat.  We enjoyed the ferry ride and the drive over the Island to Julia's house is gorgeous.  Their home is on the Liberty bay and we ate outside by the water---I'm newly inspired to fix up my yard--(how do I add the ocean view?)!  I forgot to take any pictures at Julia's;  oh well, I'll just have to go back someday soon, maybe when she makes another blackberry pie!  We caught the 9:45pm ferry (10:00 real time), but we thought the ferry was fun, so no complaints here. Then once back to Seattle it was home to the hotel.  Sierra never stopped talking they WHOLE day, I remember Zoe doing the same thing when she went on her 'chemo" trip---maybe it's having almost undivided attention (Jackson certainly doesn't interrupt) from me that makes them want to use up the rare chance to have no competition for my listening skills.  I really feel like i am available at home whenever they want but by the way the  both unload maybe I need to make some concerted effort at special one on one days in the future.  That being said---It is not surprising I am losing my hearing sheeesh!  They have added a BAER test tomorrow afternoon 3:15 and it's a 3 hour test so it will be later that I trade Sierra for Michael tomorrow, Sierra is thrilled though to get more time at the hospital.
Ferry riders, we felt pretty "big city" catching the ferry at 10pm.
Camera is getting worse--but pretend it isn't blurry and you can see the space needle all lit up and pretty.
Sierra wanted me to take this one of a ferry going the other direction. 


Brenda said...

Pardon my solitary tears over your camera issues. I know it bothers me more than you. Please let me have your name for Christmas...please let me have your name for Christmas...please let me have your name for Christmas.

Louise said...

I'm thinking we need to put "camera" on every Christmas list with Rebeccas name on it. You sure manage to get around Seattle, even if Jackson doesn't appreciate it much, I am very impressed! Have a great day, BAER and all.

Shannon said...

You have a friend that lives on an island? So cool! Did you see Emily Elizabeth while you were there?