Thursday, August 19, 2010

Houston trip=No More Chemo!

That's right after 48 Chemo treatments Jackson is done!  Just like he wanted, starting High School with no monthly Chemo distractions.  I am thrilled for him and will give a complete Houston/Doctor/Katelyn update soon.  But right now I have some children who haven't seen me in 6 days, and I am demanding their attention.  And big doings tomorrow---school clothes shopping with Sammi and some other brave souls!  If I survive, then for sure this weekend will see me catching the  blog up!  Thanks for the good wishes and prayers.


Shannon said...

I have been constantly checking my google reader for days to see a post from you. So glad there is no more chemo! love you!

Bonnie said...

Whooosh, it's nice to exhale. I'd been checking in often too. So thankful the chemo's over. Have fun school shopping.

Brenda said...

Is there going to be a graduation ceremony? Or a party? I want to come if there is. You could have a theme, "No More Port Party", or "BAER's are a Bear" or "MRI's are boring as Flies" or "cytarabine was mighty fine, but I prefer my sister's whine", the posibilites are endless. So are Jackson's. Congrats and we love you!

Miller Family said...

Wooohoo!!!!! That is fantastic news! The power of prayer is amazing and our God is amazing! So happy for you guys and it will be so FUN to see Jackson play for the Royal Knights in HS. Can't believe he is going to be a freshman...Really?! Can't wait for the big bash! Congratulations on the wonderful news!