Friday, August 27, 2010

Jackson and his port have parted ways....

It's true after 12 months together, 48 chemo infusions, (1x4=4 4x12=48 48x4=192)  a lot of accesses, (math is hard), and no infections, (good job port and Jax)  Jackson and his port have decided go their separate ways.  I'm o.k. with it.  We went to Seattle last night, ran into rock blasting on the pass(of course), and got to the Hospital early this morning.  They did surprise us by announcing they would include a spinal tap in his port removal surgery.  We have wanted this procedure because Dr. McClain is finding clinical ways to track the progress of ND CNS LCH by analyzing the cerbrospinal fluid.  So he had his port out, spinal tap done, and came home.  We had been warned by another histio Mom to move slowly and stay flat after the spinal tap and we did, Jackson was pretty much flat for 6 hours today, and no spinal headache.  Worth it, from what I have heard you do NOT want a spinal headache.
Jackson looking like we woke him up at 5am, which we did.
Back from the recovery room.

Michael and I can always tell they haven't replaced him with a clone by the way he itches his nose when he has been under anesthesia!
Tiffany and Bailey (neighbors and friends) brought Jax Royal Knight balloons and a football which they had the team all sign--I am sure that took plenty of time and effort--these kind acts always bring me to tears.  And the flowers are for little ole' me ,courtesy of the Tiffany & Bailey team too. 
Grateful today for:
1.  Ports to deliver my son medicine necessary to prolong his life and quality of life.
2.  Doctors and nurses who are willing to study and go to school for years, and then work long hours to save lives and improve medical techniques.
3.  Friends who don't forget about us month after month after month
4.  Family who are always there to pick up the pieces-and the children. 


Louise said...

Perfect theme for the year following lots and lots of blessings!

Heather said...

Glad surgery went well, and that you are home safe. Here's to a great year at good 'ol RHS Jackson- we sure love you :)

Katie said...

So glad to hear that it went well! What a relief for you all to have this behind you...did you have the biggest smile ever when you left Children's parking lot? What a way to start his Freshman year too :) So happy for you guys! Wishing you an AWESOME year Jackson!

Brenda said...

Yeah it's over! Now football can begin again. So...does he have Schutzie for any classes?

Holly said...

Grateful for the hard work of that little port, but even more grateful that they were able to part ways! Happy Day! Love you all so much! Here's to a GREAT school/football year!