Friday, April 6, 2012

Histio part 3 Chemo Round 2 day 3

Today was a great day for Jackson, no getting stuck on a Freeway that closed and his buddy Tanner came over to join him for this Chemo day.  Nancy brought Tanner and Seth over and we met them at Northgate Mall and had lunch at 5 Guys before heading to the hospital together.  I have some pictures from lunch and then Jax and Tanner took some pictures of themselves during the infusion when Nancy and I had gone to the pharmacy, but they are all on my computer and I couldn't get it to accept the wifi at the hotel tonight---so maybe tomorrow.  After Chemo we said goodbye to the Christensen Chemo Relief Crew and met up with Michael.  We walked to the "gum wall" and I just have one word to describe it---DISGUSTING.  The kids stuck their gum there and we purelled the heck out of their hands.  We also went to YE OLD CURIOSITY SHOPPE and discovered that Zoe, who loves the show Ghost Hunters, is afraid of Mummy's she refused to even go in the store!
                                                   Jackson and "Sylvester" the Mummy.
                                            Michael and the kids on our walk to Pike Place.
        Adding their gum to the wall---I'm really not a germ-a-phob but sheesh, this gave me the willies.
 Jackson had to take his first pain pill of this Chemo round tonight.  We did do a lot of walking though and he said the headache wasn't "too bad", plus I made him get out his biology book tonight--headache inducing stuff that biology!


Louise said...

Horrary for the Chiristensen Chemo Relief Crew! Hope that "biology" headache disappeared when the book closed for the night.

Brenda said...
