Saturday, October 31, 2009

Blood Counts for Round 2

Here you go you blood count junkies (I may be the only one---hmmm)
HCT this time-33.9 *last time-36.8 *normal range-31-48 PLT this time-252 *last time 448 *normal range-150-500 WBC this time-4.9 *last time-6.2 *normal range-5.0-12.0 ANC this time-2,600 *last time-3,447 *normal range-over 1,000.
So to sum up, a little low, but not bad--if he follow the same trend as Chemo Round 1next weeks will be lower still. Amazing how familiarity breeds comfort, but things don't seem as scary to me this time because I know his numbers eventually pull up in the 3rd week, or so the history of one other time tells us!! Happy halloween everyone--I hope tonight finds me posting about a great one with non-grumpy little kids and non-tired parents!!


Louise said...

I guess I'm a blood count junkie too, I always have to write them down. Good luck on the non grumpy family. It might be more of a problem to get them down off the sugar high. Good thing we have an extra hour tomorrow morning!

Granny DeeAnn said...

If you're happy Becky so am I. I'm lucky to figure out what time it is. I'm so not good with medical counts! I figure if they FIND a blood pressure I'm good to go. Yeah everyone, today is also Nevada Day so we (school dist.) always have the Friday or Monday off. No little ghosts or witches for me........... Is there an antidote for sugar? Take pictures!

The Noftles said...

I am a blood count junkie too! Man there are more out there than just me. Well I had one grumpy little vampire tonight..glad its over. I hope you guys had a good Halloween. Love ya and thinking of you!