"Mom did you know dat dare are Aliens?" Oh, really Carter, how do you know? "Tuz I sawed it on duh TV, and Mom do you know any stuff dats real dat people sink its not real life?" Ummmmm, ok how about Dinosaurs they were real once Carter. "(laughs)Uh no dare not Mom, I sawed dem on TV and dare tartoons and tartoons aren't real". OK Carter. "Ummmm Mom, dress(guess) what?" What Carter---"hot lava tould till you Mom". Yep that's right Carter hot lava could kill me, it could kill you too Buddy. "Nu Uh Mom tuz I don't eber touch hot lava". (Side note, do I run around NEARLY killing myself with hot lava??) "Ummm Mom dress what, you said dat I tould buy sumpin today", No Carter I did not say you could buy something today. "Ummm Mom tan I buy sumpin today?"
All this was from our house to the grocery store about a minute away---and it goes on and on. I will be so out of the alien, hot lava, dinosaurs myth loop when Carter goes to school next year and shares his knowledge with someone other than me. I'm going to miss my "lessons". Really I will.
My Buddy Carter is also very into his new breakfast of "champions"?? Eggo's with ketchup---gag! I must say though he finally is finishing his waffle, and he loves the gross out reaction he gets from the rest of us. He also talked his Mom into buying this $3.00 spider man Halloween bucket for him this week, his Dad was not happy with his Mom--something about already owning many Halloween buckets or whatever. Anyway, since Monday he has carried this with him non-stop, and if you are missing anything, TV remote, cell phone, paper you set down for a second, might I suggest you check Spidey's head. How can that not be worth $3.00?? Husbands can be so unreasonable sometimes!
Eggos and ketchup? Grody to the max Cougar. And I love your narative on him. It's like he's right next to me. Tell Michael to lighten up. It sucks being at the tail end of the family. Everything is a hand me down. Sometimes we deserve new Spidey heads. That's right, I got your back Coug.
I almost threw up seeing that last picture. I watched Survivor tonight with the gross food challenge and was fine. Waffles and ketchup - just typing it is making me sick!
EWWWW! But if you are anything like I am with Tyson...I'll let him eat about anything ...as long as he eats! Those two are tiny little guys. Carter is the cutest, and don't ever take him to speech therapy....it just won't be Carter anymore! Kind of like Tyson with his r's! Tooo cute!
That was so fun to read, and it will be even more fun several years from now. I don't know if your sisters noticed what Carter was sitting on to eat his gross waffles, any guesses girls?? Yes, its the blue couch from Carters bedroom that is upside down in the dining room, making a wonderful bar stool. Becky's decorating skills have no end!
Oh Becky I am cracking up. Carter seems to keep you on your toes. I am still having a hard time with Colin in Kinder. He is missing being at home with Emerson and Easton so he thinks he misses out on so much at home. Enjoy these 313 days. As you know too well, they will go by tooo fast! I am happy you have a comic relief at your side. Carter will lighten the mood when need be.
Should we be concerned? Grandma Great likes toast with ketchup. (Hi Grandma Great!) Carter is a cutie. I hate it when their innocent little fantasies ends. Does Aunt Dee Ann need to send Michael $3.00? Ha..... Love you guys!
I love that boy, That is what I enjoyed so much to when I came to babysit these sweet kids, he always kept me laughing(inside) with his amazing imagination. Maybe he gets the ketchup thing from Mason he used to eat it on lots of things but not waffles. luv ya.
I remember Jackson loving waffles. Minus ketchup! Mom took the words out of my mouth, he must be like Granny Great, she spreads ketchup on her toast. We've all teased her but she stands by it!
I'm so glad you spoil Tarter, it goes too fast to why not?!
I'll send $3 for the spidey head fund too. He's adorable with it, not a want. Definitely a need. :)
Becky, I love reading your posts Jason and I dying laughing!
Oh, my Greg used to talk nonstop at that age. Now, can't get a word out of him! Almost. Enjoy! And we will too.
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