Thursday, September 24, 2009

Isolation booth

Jackson and I have been toying with the idea since Tuesday but apparently today we finally decided to have full blown coughs. The people in Hem/Onc don't like you to have coughs, colds, or anything germ wise, of course. So we shamefacedly admitted to coughing which promptly bought us waiting away from the waiting area and a nurse who brought us masks before we were taken back to our "isolation room" for infusion. Basically they just stick you in a regular exam room instead of curtained partitions where the other kiddos are getting their Chemo. I was fine with that, but Jax missed the people watching (must have a little of his Aunt Courtney in him). Before we went to Chemo I drug Jackson to Ross Dress for Less and Target. After Ross Jax was feeling tired and holding his arm all weird and stiff saying his neck and chest hurt. I wouldn't let him stay in the car at Target so I asked them if he could drive a handicapped scooter---he lit up at that! Took out one rack of clothes (he moved it like 3 feet before he stopped) and banged into a couple of end caps and smiled the whole time. I lived in mortal fear of him mowing me down, and a couple of time I jumped away in the nick of time, what we mothers do.....honestly! After our 2 hours commute (I thought the hotel looked closer on the map, and actually it's only 30 or so miles but the traffic here is a joke)and our one hour at the hospital it was late afternoon when we started in on Jackson's Math homework and English homework. We gave that up about 9pm. People keep asking me if I am so bored, I really wish I was. I was hoping for a nap but so far one eludes me. I really thought I was done with homework but that day never seems to come! I am not doing it for him, but redirecting, refocusing, helping look for information and calming him down because he is overwhelmed so easily right now. I am missing home, especially since Sammi and Carter are sick and Sierra is on the fence with it too. Carter told me tonight he wants me to come home and he misses me--sigh. I know I could go home, and someone would take Jax and finish these last two days off, but I can't. Maybe several Chemo's in when I know how it is going to be for him, but not yet. Plus Jax is not 100% and when you are 14 you can only lose it in front of your Mom or Dad, I wouldn't want him to be deprived of losing this week if he wants to!! He deserves that much at the least.


Shannon said...

Driving at Target! Now that is a memory he will never forget. I was going to say driving at 14 but then I remembered the kid has been driving since he was a toddler. Lucky boy!
Sorry to hear you are under the weather - and your kiddos! At least you are still able to shop. lol.
Hang in there scuzin! You are exactly where you are supposed to be.

Bonnie said...

I hope you and Jax have the same cough the rest of the family has. Or you'll have to find another isolation booth at home!
Love to all, Bonnie

Krista said...

I checked in with Courtney to see how Jax did Tuesday and didn't even think to check your blog this week until tonight. Sounds like you've been busy to say the least! Sorry to hear you all are feeling yucky, hopefully it will pass soon! Love the story of Jax and the Target cart, wish we were there to witness it:) We are praying for you & Jax & your family daily. I'm guessing Sammi is feeling better, saw her at the volleyball games tonight. And Zoe was too cute for words sporting brown leggings a brown and creme striped dress and her hair perfectly flipped out and pulled back with a clip...what a doll!
Well we love you guys and can't wait for you to be back at home!

p.s. I'm not saying I know anything about said "secret admirer" but could you blame the girl...just look at that face :)

Heidi said...

Gotta love Seattle traffic! Annoying, huh?! I would highly recommend staying at a hotel closer if you can... You have a lot going on...a lot of sickness with kids. Glad your week is almost over and you can go back home.

Louise said...

Carter will survive,don't worry about that. Jax needs you more than the other kids right now. I will stay with Carter during the game tonight, no biggie. I'm pretty sure Michael would go over the edge (Ryan too!) if he had to miss the game because of sick kids. I'll drive over at half time and we can watch the fireworks from the car. Remind me to talk to you about Zoe's jade colored top that you are trying to replace. I think I must have chemo brain, I can't remember anything lately! I'm praying for a more restful day for you guys, and less traffic and coughing!

Elaine said...

I'm glad you're feeling like you can even go to the store!
I'm sorry that there is some ill health involved, but hopefully the "drive" was worth it for you Jackson.
Still thinking of and praying for you!
PS. Enjoy your M&M's Jax! Today's the day if they are not down already.

Granny DeeAnn said...

Becky, Thanks for taking the time to post. We are all anxious to know how Jackson is doing. Maybe he should sign up for Driver's Ed. soon. I'm sure Grandma Great could give him lessons on the Walmart go-cart! Ha Love you all. Get well! AD

Holly said...

I can't believe the timing with everybody getting sick. URGG!! Guess we better up those prayers a notch! Hang in there!

melanie said...

I can just see Jax's face not being able to 'stop' until the clothes rack was moved far enough. Such a boy thing to do. So glad you were able to get some Target time in, it's good for the soul in there.

I curse Seattle traffic in a big way and about have a heart attack every time we are over there. Especially when all 4 lanes are going 80!

Shannon's right, you are where you need to be right now. Hang in there, you're on the downhill slide for this week. Love you!

Brenda said...

Get better. It's an order. And are you sure Jax wasn't aiming at you? Just a thought. Thanks for keeping us updated, although it's not going to spare you from our daily phone calls. Love you.